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I'm allowing nsfw (not safe for work)

That means there will be mature stuff in here (but not really bad stuff). For every nsfw drawing there will be a warning in the title.


Another thing is that Im going to make a seperate book that will be a comic

I might post a page a week minimum

Depending on a vote score of what it should be about will depend what I will be doing
Votes will stop at Christmas


(Takes place slightly after cuphead)
everyone were once humans but when they lost a bet with the devil they were turned into creatures. The devil wants his debt paid and soon, so he tries to fool some of them and use them as puppets.

Deja Vu- (Original kinda)
Think of all the gods and goddesses (non-mythology) living as a society except in the mind of a 'Hero' that works for the devil. God and the Devil, don't get along and cause things to change making the 'Hero' go to heaven and try to fix them.

Deleted ideas=
-Hamilton Reversed Au
  Please vote!!

My drawing Book (Please See this I'm desperate)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu