The older blinked rapidly and sat on the couch.

What in the world am I doing here!? Just because Jongin said he'll give it a try with me unless I come here doesn't mean I would gladly oblige to his every whim! He mentally scolded himself.

"I- I don't think this is a good idea." His eyes traveled around the uncomfortable situation he is in.

"What?" Jongin leaned closer unable to hear Kyungsoo because of the loud noise.

" Jongin you're a minor you're not supposed to drink, are you even allowed to be here?"

"Hey, hey! I invited you here to have a good time, why in the world are you nagging like a girl?" Jongin smiled as he took a sip of alcohol.

"I --I just want--"

" Kyungsoo, do you really like me?"

Kyungsoo's eyes widened. "O--of course I do!"

"Then prove it." Jongin smiled as he raised a glass of drink encouraging kyungsoo to take it.

The older was hesitant as he stared at the transparent glass as if looking at it would magically empty its content. But one wrong move and that's it, he will lose his one and only chance to be with the guy he's madly in love with.

He thought he should just run away as fast as he can and forget that he entered this place at all. He likes Jongin, he really do but things has limitations and Kyungsoo knows what's right or wrong. But what he did not understand is that why his body seemed to have a mind of its own and reached out to the glass and without hesitation took it all in one shot.

Tears almost streamed from his eyes when he felt the uncomfortable aftertaste and stinging pain he felt the moment he swallowed the liquid.

"One tiny sip." He convinced himself, one tiny sip followed by another one after another until he lost count.

And that's how it all started, no matter how much Kyungsoo tries to stay away from Jongin at the end of the day he finds himself following whatever the younger wanted him to do. He can't help but fall into his enchanting orbs and his youthful voice that seems to hypnotize the older one.

Kuyungsoo knows that Jongin was trouble, but he just can't help himself at all.

One time Jongin called Kyungsoo who thought it was an emergency so he almost stumbled on his way just to find out Jongin ran out of cigarette.

There was also this one time that the younger wanted to skip school so he acted as if he was having stomach problems and dragged Kyungsoo to bring him home, just to find out that the other one wanted to hang out at a bar.

There's also this one time where Jongin brought Kyungsoo with him at a club but after an hour he forgot he was with the other male and went out with the who flirted with him and left kyungsoo all alone.

They are not in a relationship, Jongin only wants Kyungsoo beside him to the point that he was fucking another person behind the room where Kyunsoo's at. Poor Kyungsoo could only do but to cover his ears as if it would make all the moans and noise from the other room go away.

He can endure this all. He can accept the real Jongin. Jongin showed him his real side. At least he knows and he's glad Jongin opened up to him and showed who he really is.

Kyungsoo knows his love is unrequited, but it won't hurt to at least fight for your love right?

I really like him, I really do. Kyungsoo's mantra whenever Jongin begs him to do something he never thought he would ever be able to do in his lifetime. And just like that, his mantra seems to work like magic.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: May 21, 2014 ⏰

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