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i ended up missing my only class of the day after my morning breakdown, and run in with kim taehyung.

i decided to just head to the coffee shop and clock in some hours. working was a way i could get things off my mind. it kept me occupied, leaving little time for my thoughts to take over.

i pushed the small glass door open, the bell ringing through out the space as i do so.

"jangmiiiiiiii" i said with a little whine. almost immediately i see her dark brown eyes peep from behind the countertop.

she narrowed her eyes at me before speaking. "how are you here so early, don't you have class?"

"about that..."

"did you skip!?" she said in an angered tone but also with a smirk on her face.
i look at her skeptically.

"wow my sakiya is becoming a bad girl" she winked before throwing an apron in my direction.

i loved jangmi. after being coworkers for about a year now, she is the closest thing i have to a best friend. she's a few years older, already finished with college. an art graduate to be exact, but aside from her graduates diploma her art career didn't really take off. thats why shes working here at the cafe, saving money to fulfill her ultimate dream and continue her passion for design in Europe.

"okay but the real question is why did you skip class" she said emphasizing the 'why'.

"its nothing really, just felt like it" i reply with a shrug.

"as if id believe that—i can tell when you lie yenno" her arms raised up,  threatening me with her cleaning rag jokingly.

"yah i'm serious, todays just not-"

i was cut off by the familiar chime of a bell, signaling the entrance of a new customer.

i turned around and locked eyes with an all too familiar face, accompanied by the root of my insecurities.

thus causing me to usher to the backroom, which i know did not go unnoticed.

sometimes i wonder why he even chooses to go here—out of all the coffee shops around town.

is he just trying to flaunt on purpose? maybe he's a sadist? because all he does is inflict pain on me wether he knows it or not.

"sakiya!" i hear jangmis voice yell from outside the storage room.

"have they left yet?!" i whisper yell through the crack of the door.

"no but you need to come here, customers are lining up. i dont care if you want to avoid him, i need help!" she says before running back to one of the registers.

with a sigh i push open the door of the storage room and make my way back towards the front.

i take my place behind the adjacent register and smile at the next face in line.

as i take orders and prepare drinks i feel eyes watching me. i scan the area—in the corner by a window, jungkook and his girlfriend are seated.

i look away almost instantly after my eyes caught his.

it takes all the strength in me to not turn in his direction, but i still manage to sneak a peek every now and then.

maybe he isn't the sadist, and i'm just a masochist—inflicting this pain on myself.

but lucky enough for me i can rely on the rush of customers to keep me busy, and limit my wandering eyes.

"table two" jangmi says as she hands me a slice of strawberry cheesecake, which i hurriedly deliver to the waiting customer.

"heres your order sir a-"

"sakiya i knew id see you here" said the darkly dressed boy, his familiar deep voice sends chills down my back.

kim taehyung.

"have a seat" he says while using his fork to point at the booth across from him.

"but i'm working" i say while cautiously looking back to see jangmi, smirking at me. i roll my eyes at her before turning my attention back to the male who is eyeing me closely. 

he raises an eyebrow and i just sigh,  giving in and sitting in the vacant spot across from him.

a couple of minutes pass but its just silence. he's the one who asked me to join him yet a word hasn't left his mouth.

i rest my face in the palm of my hands while sending him a questioning look.

"that boy over there" he says in between chews while signaling his head in the direction of the corner table.

"he's the one you were crying over wasn't he" he finally finishes after swallowing his last piece of cake.

i gulp and look down at the table nervously, not wanting to be reminded of him again. mainly because i have enough anxiety around him, i don't want to have a breakdown near him either. it will only show just how weak i am.

taehyung just breathes out, dropping his fork onto his plate before talking again. "i know because he's eyeing you down right now even though theres a hot girl sitting in front of him".

still i remain silent, processing taehyungs observations.
is he really looking at me?

"give me your hand" just then the sleeve of his leather jacket comes into view along with his open palm. some of his fingers are covered in silver rings, and i notice a few small tattoos in between his fingers.


"no questions just do it"

instead of listening i finally look up at him, sending him a wary glare. he huffs and intertwines our fingers himself.

i gasp at the sudden contact, subtly trying to pry my fingers from his grip, but his large hand is too strong compared to my tiny frail one.

after the chime of the cafe bell sounds, he breaks contact and says "you're welcome"

i rotate myself to face the door. jungkooks distinct figure and his girlfriend had just left.

now i understand taehyungs intent.

i turn back to him but am faced with an empty seat. another bell chimes and i watch as his leather jacker fades out the door before i could speak anymore.

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