"Nate! Where are you!"


My ears perked up and my heart started racing. Nate had been laying down on the bed, waiting for me to finish getting ready, but when he heard his sister's voice booming from downstairs, he frowned and got out of bed, a silent question in his expression

"She doesn't know" I rushed the words out. He nodded once and came to me to kiss me quickly.

"Stay here. I'll deal with her" he said quietly and exited the room, closing the door behind him.


What was she doing here? She knew where I lived because I had just moved in and gave the address to my family but she's never been here.

God, Alex...

Walking down the stairs barefoot, my mind kept going back to the woman upstairs. Scarlett. My Scar, the same woman I've dreamed of for many years, was actually here. And she was mine.

Or at least as mine as she could be for now. Until I get her out of that marriage that was ruining her life.

"There you are" I heard my sister murmur from the foyer. I raised my eyebrows and gave her a quick hug.

"What brings you here, Alex?" I asked.

"Is everything okay? You left the Hamptons in a hurry yesterday, and didn't even say bye. Mom told me you had to go to the office" she said with raised eyebrows.

"Yeah, I had meetings I had to take care of" I said nonchalantly, but Alex stared at me.

"Yeah? That's very interesting, because your assistant said you hadn't been there all day when I showed up. What's going on?" she asked, and I groaned internally. My PA and I were going to have a serious conversation about releasing personal information to people.

Did she really have to get involved in the things that don't concern her?

"I was taking care of some business, Alex, and no I'm not telling you what kind of business" I grumbled, walking towards the kitchen. Right before Alex entered the kitchen I saw our clothes, as in Scarlett and I's, were still scattered on the floor and I snatched them faster than you can say 'go', and pushed them inside the only place that I could reach right now.

The fridge.

And then I shut the thing up, and leaned against it, looking at Alex.

"Have you talked to Scar? She's missing. Everybody is looking for her" she said, looking around the apartment. I cleared my throat and shook my head.

"Not really. I have been very busy" I said, and Alex hummed.

"Andrew said they got into an argument because of you" she said, and she was biting her lip.

"How so?" I asked, crossing my arms in front of my chest.

"He thinks you're taking an interest in Scarlett" she said, her eyes wandering around. I almost choked on my own saliva as I was swallowing the tension.

"That's...hilarious" I said, and Alex looked at me and shrugged.

"Did anything happen when you guys went out?" she asked, and she seemed to be genuinely worried.

"Like...what?" I asked, trying to fish for information.

"I don't know, Andrew didn't say anything in specific so I'm asking you. I know you guys were best friends before everything happen..." she said in a low tone and I clenched my jaw.

"Alex, please, don't bring this up. It's done, and over with" I murmured, a bitter taste in my mouth just remembering.

"I'm just saying...she's...she's like my sister now. And I know you don't want her to know, but maybe she needs to so she understands everything a bit better" Alex said, and I shook my head.

The Lover (18+) [Completed]Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum