beach vacation part 2 the shop

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Nishina pov

"She not coming." Kae said with a sad look "did we do somthing wrong?" Mutsumi said " I know why don't we go to that store and get things that represents sky." I say

" one problem we don't know what she likes." Igarashi said then we all look at kae


"Your her sister you should know what she likes" nanashima said. "Well she like...." "REALLY " nana said

"Why don't we spelt up in to pairs and see what we can find" I say

"So I want kae with me, nanashima with igarashi 'because I ship them ' "and mutsumi with shinomiya"

3rd person pov

So as the group of friends go out to find stuff for sky,

Sky was in the room crying her eyes out.

Kae pov

Aww this would be perfect for her I go and get

Sky pov

It's taking a long time I hope they have fun,

"Hay sky we are back" everyone said "ok" I say with a blank face  " now sky guess what" "what?" "NOOOO YOU HAVE TO GUESS" kae said yelling at me "fine umm Daryl" I say I need to stop watching that show. "No it's this"

' I can't believe this I always wanted a turtle'  I start to cry

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' I can't believe this I always wanted a turtle'  I start to cry. "What's wrong" "don't you like it" shinomiya and mutsumi said. "No I do like it it's just... it's just...... (sky starts to cry while kae and everyone else goes up to hug her)

" sky nanashima was the one who said we should get you a turtle. And we all helped with the buying" kae said

I was smiling at everyone but I just looked at nana and hugged him. "Why were you so sad?" Nana said ' crap I can't tell them I just can't'  "hay kae what's that in your hand"

Kae pov

"Oh it's for you" I give the bag to my sister and she opens it and just looks at me " what is it?" I say " it's perfect" it was a plush of an anime charter form danganuopa it was momokuma.

I hoped you liked this chapter. There are going to be maybe 3 or 4 parts to the beach vacation because I had this plan were we get to know more about sky .

So thank you all and best wishes from


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