beach vacation part 1

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Nanashima pov

"I'm going on a beach vacation and you are all welcome to come" nishina said  ' I really don't care but if I can get time alone with sky I might make it work ' let me explain

So I was thinking about getting time alone with sky

Sky pov

The time has come we all meet at nishina home and we are just waiting for the plan while the others were doing other things I walked to a empty room and just had to think about things

' why can't I be like kae'

' i feel like crying'

As I was just thinking about stuff I feel someone come up to me I look over and see nana " what's up with you ain't you happy?" Nana said " to be honest no I'm not" and with that I left him I wasn't in the mood.

Time skip to the beach house

I go to an empty room and clam it has mine nevermind kae is in here to.

"Ok so I should of told you this before hand but they have an anime store" really

"OMG TIME TO GET MY ANIME ON" kae said yelling at nothing.

I just laugh at her silliness and walk away from them. I step outside for some air and see little kids playing on the sand and in the water must be nice "sky you ok we are going to go to the store and then head down to the beach want to come" my sister said " I'll think about it" I say looking away from her

Kae pov

As I'm talking to sky about what we are going to do she looks away ' well I tried' I go inside and see a SUPER CUTE SECEN IN FRONT OF ME it's mutsumi and shinomiya hugging


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