meet sky

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Sky pov

Hi I'm sky serinuma kae older sister i know what you might be thinking I loot fat and is into boyxboy stuff. But me and kae are nothing alike first I have long purple hair with a blue strike going down the middle, I am skinny, I love anime but not in the way you think... like I don't go crazy like kae does. I will be going to school just not today.
At home

So I was in my room when I hear kae yell. "Aaaaaaaa" kae said I go look outside my door and see her running and jumping all over. ' properly fangriling over her favorite anime character.' "Kae can you please keep it down I'm doing something"😒😡

Kae pov

"Sorry sky just something happened at school today and..." I was stop when she gave me a look. "Please kae don't fangirl not right now. " She said and went back in her room.

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