The Worst Beginner

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"That was nice," said Daniel.
I looked at him with a grin on my face as we were walking towards the lounge Jax told us about earlier.
"What you did out there." He said again.
"Yeah, well that big beef bag doesn't have any respect, so I thought I'd teach him a lesson," I responded.
"But, still, all the other beginners here don't do that," he told me "Patul is a second year chef almost a master he's been here for 3 almost 4 years."
"How do you know?" I asked him.
"After 6 weeks here and all you hear is people talk you know stuff." He chuckled.
I looked at him again and he looked at me and we laughed.

"Okay," I said.
I opened the map and blew of all the dust off of it and lay my hands down onto the sides.
"Are you sure 'bout this," asked Daniel.
"Yeah, I'm not liking this place." I complained.
knock knock knock
came from the door, I let go of the map allowing to roll back up again and smack in the air. The door creeked open and a slim brown hair girl wearing a green romper and brown bell bottom pants walked in.
"Oh, I-I'm sorry I didn't expect anyone t-to be in here I-I'll just go," she stuttered.
I sprang up from the chair.
"No-no it's okay you can come in." I yelped.
"O-oh okay I'm Aurora" she said "I usually am very clumsy and fall asleep easily.
"U-um okay," I said
She stood there for 2 seconds then opened her eyes and put her Hanover her head.
"Ugh, I... I talk too much, I'm sorry I usually am more normal I-"
"No, we understand right Daniel," I said
"Yeah," he said.
She walked closer to us with her hair in two side buns, she pointed to the map and looked at Daniel.
"Y-you're trying to leave?" asked Aurora.
Daniel snapped closed the map.
"Uh, well no, she is," he pointed to me.
"I, don't like it here very much," I said.
She backed away.
"Yes, I've been waiting to get out of this place. It is so boring!" she said.
She ran over to us and hugged me then Daniel.
"I'm always here training for literally nothing, and when I'm done I sit there just staring at the wall this place is like jail." said Aurora.
We looked at her in questionable ways.
"Really?" We asked.
She widened her eyes.
"Ohhhh, yeah I mean, I'm a 1st year chef," Aurora exclaimed.
She looked up.
"Let's get started," she said.

       "This is the training area," said Jax walking in the hall way with me Daniel and some other people with Aurora next to him.
"So, you guys will each get an assigned chef which will do their best to train you so I will take Daniel, Briar and you," she pointed to some girl behind me.
We all looked behind me.
"M-my name is Jasmine," she said.
From out of his room came Patul in a hurry dusting his clothes.
"Uh, sorry Jax," he said.
I gave him a look but he didn't see me.
"Oh, uh I will have Violet, Brooke and Adam," said Patul.
Three kids came out from the crowd.
A girl shoved me and Jasmine.
"Move it peasants!" She said in disgust.
She was tall and had long black hair, she had a shirt way to tight for her and white skinny jeans.
"Excuse me," I said.
"What," she responded turning  around.
"I'm not a peasant," I said.
"Ugh, whatever," she said back to me with such attitude then continued on toward Patul.
I looked at Jasmine with a confused look. We all walked into the training area there was a 12 foot wall in the back of the room with weapons and knives. On the sides there was a huge hole in the ground filled to the rim with water and suits next to them. On the other side there was a confined glass space with fire coming from every corner. Next to the fire there were giant wooden double doors.
"What's that," I asked Aurora.
She looked at the door.
"Oh, that's the portal to Fable Academy, a school for children who want to be fairy tale superheroes," she said.
"Really?" I asked her.
"Yeah," she answered.
"We can go there next," she whispered.

Fable Academy Book 1 In the "Academy" Series (IN PROGRESS)Where stories live. Discover now