Chapter 2

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- Faye's POV

"Home, please," I say to the chauffeur, pulling my shades down to my eyes.

He nods. "Yes, ma'am."

Dad had hired all these staff for me when I confessed to him one time that I was getting lonely by myself. I wouldn't have hired them personally - I am more than capable of doing all the things they do for me myself - but they're now tied up in contracts and all that kind of stuff. I have to admit that it has made me feel less lonely and I have been able to cope better. But when I get home, I find it hard to relax when there are practical strangers running around everywhere and standing in corners of the room like they're taking up those stupid sculptures of James' (which have been thrown out, incase you were wondering) purpose.

The divorce with James was a nightmare; the whole process took two full years. He kept demanding for more of my money - and he was adamant on not settling for any less. It was extremely frustrating and I'm so glad it's over with.

Speaking of exes...

I don't know what to think of bumping into Chris. Or the fact that he has a new girlfriend. It was bound to happen, sure - he had to move on from me because I left him with no other option - but it's still a shock to the system. The way he put his arm around her made me feel jealous, I'm not going to lie. But it also made me feel sad. Our relationship seemed destined; we seemed so perfect as a duo. My heart's still raw from him.

But he's a cheat. I can't be with someone like that.

The chauffeur drops me off at home and I step inside. The housekeeper is slowly pacing the upstairs landing and the chef (yes, I am more than aware that having a chef for one person is absurd) is busy rustling something up in the kitchen.

"Would you like me to take your bags, Faye?" Renee, the housekeeper, sings cheerily.

The staff had been calling me Miss Malone to begin with - but I detested the formal vibes surrounding that referral and so asked them to call me Faye.

"I'll do it. But thank you."

I drag myself and my bags upstairs to my room and put my new clothes into my wardrobe.

Then I remember the piece of paper in my pocket that Chris gave me.

Fuck, this feels like that first time we met all over again.

I don't have to do anything with it. I could throw it in the garbage and never have to see him again. But I suppose I better do as he told me - 'hit him up'. It would be rude not to.

I text him:

'Hey, seems weird texting you after all this time. Anyway, save my number if you want it. It's the same SIM as before but I'm guessing you lost my number or something. :)'

C: 'Hi. Just what I was thinking. Yea, I got a new SIM card and lost all my contacts since we last text. Dinner on Thursday good?'

Today's Monday.

F: 'Oh, haha. Yeah, Thursday's fine for me. Does Thalia know... you know, that we're exes?'

C: 'Not exactly. She knows we have history tho.'

F: 'OK. Anyway, I'll see you on Thursday. :)'

C: 'Yea, see you then.'

I put my phone back in my pocket and go downstairs to the kitchen.

"Is everything OK in here?" I ask the chef.

"Yes, ma'am. Should be ready on time."

I smile at him. I don't know where to go next.

THEFT 2 - *Sequel To THEFT* - (A Chris Brown Fan Fiction Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now