Chapter 1

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- Chris' POV

"Baby, come on," Thalia complains, walking ahead. "One more store and then we can go back home."

I roll my eyes and reluctantly follow her into some clothes store I've never heard of.

"Look at this leather jacket, Chris," she says when she sees me. She traces the intricate stitching pattern that is on the back with her finger.

"How much is it?" I ask, not paying much attention to the actual jacket. We've been trooping around town all day and I'm bored and tired of it. Thalia never told me prior to driving over here that this shopping trip would take so long.

She turns it over to look at the tag. "Five hundred."

"Well, put it this way, I'm not paying five hundred for that."

"What's wrong with it?" she looks up at me, clutching the jacket like it's her most prized possession. "Look at it, it's beautiful."

"There's nothing wrong with it. But that's way too much money for what it is."

"If you let me have this, we can go home as soon as it's in the bag. I promise," Thalia smiles anxiously.

I give in and huff with frustration. "Fine."

What's wrong with her card? Oh, forgot. There's not even a balance on it.

"I love you," she reaches over to kiss me on the cheek.

"I love you too. And that's the only reason why I'm buying this for you."

I take her hand and we walk over to pay for the jacket.

"That'll be five hundred dollars please, sir," the girl says. Mm, she's accustomed to asking the men for the money because the majority of women who shop here must be gold diggers too.

I hand her my card and, before I know it, Thalia's holding the bag in her hand and kissing my cheek again.

"Thank you, baby," she grins. "OK, we can go now."

I make my way to the door - but Thalia has other ideas.

"Oh... these shoes," I hear her mutter to herself from behind me.

"Thal," I call. "Come on."

I turn around to see her taking a pair off the display and examining them. Another woman is stood next to her doing a similar study of a different pair.

"I'm coming," she replies. "Two minutes and we'll be out of that door."

I exhale loudly, letting her know that I am finding her procrastinating tedious, and walk closer to her. "You don't need more shoes, Thal."

The woman next to her puts the pair of shoes she was looking at back on the display and turns around to the opposite shelves of shoes.

It's not until a few seconds after she does this that I look at her now visible face. No.



I can feel my eyes dilating as she slowly turns to face me.

"Who's -" Thalia begins. She stops looking at the shoes and looks in the direction that I am looking in.

"Chris?" both Thalia and Faye say in unison. It sounds like a chorus of screeching junk; their expressions are so diverse that they clash like a cat and dog ripping each other's eyes out.

Faye. I can't believe this. Out of all the seven billion people in the world. Faye.

Her expression captures exactly what I'm feeling too - surprise, craziness, excitement.



"Chris, what is going on here?" Thalia breaks the silence. I hear her heels click towards me and her free arm interlocks with mine.

"I'm Faye," Faye extends out her hand to her.

Thalia just stares at it. "I'm Thalia. Who are you, exactly?"

Faye furrows her eyebrows at Thalia's rudeness and pulls her hand away. "I... used to know Chris."

"How? He's never told me about you."

I start to feel uncomfortable and wrap my arm loosely around Thalia in order to look less awkward.

"I don't know. I guess we first met via work a few years back," she replies.

"So... nothing's going on..." Thalia mumbles unsurely.

"No. We haven't seen each other in years," I jump in. I then direct my words at Faye. "How have you been?"

"Good, thanks. How about you?"

"Yeah, not bad, thanks."

She smiles at me and doesn't move her eyes away - despite Thalia's piercing glare.

"Come on, Chris, we should go," Thalia bitchily declares.

"I thought you were looking at those shoes still?" I say.

"No, not anymore."

"Do you... want to come over for dinner sometime?" I ask Faye. "We have a lot to catch up on."

"Um, sure. If that's OK with you, Thalia?"

"Yeah, that's fine," Thalia grunts in a defeated tone. She plays with her hair and then picks at the handle on the bag.

"Here's my number," I say as I rip some of Thalia's paper bag off, to which Thalia looks appalled at, and write my number on. "Hit me up whenever."

"Thanks," Faye smiles as she takes it.

Thalia tugs at my arm.

"I guess... I guess I'll see you around."

"Yeah. Look after yourself - both of you."

"You too," I add as Thalia almost physically drags me out of the store. Her face is beyond angry.

"WHO THE FUCK WAS THAT?!" she shouts as soon as we are outside. People walking by are staring at us and some tut at Thalia's public rage.



"From work?"

She calms down considerably and exhales loudly before continuing the conversation. "Something's just not adding up."

I walk in the direction of the parking lot and she follows.

"Why?" I question.

"You two seemed like you had... I don't know. So much history."

I don't respond to her and scowl as I keep my eyes ahead.

"Don't ignore me, Chris."

"I'm not ignoring you. I just don't have anything to say."

"So you two do have history?"

I sigh. "Look, history is history for a reason. The things that happened between Faye and I... the things that we both went through together... that's part of my past, OK? It's not part of the present or of the future."

"But you just invited her over to our house!"

"No, I invited her over to MY house. It's my house and I can invite over whoever I want to."

"Listen to yourself! You're not making sense! You're saying she's part of your past but then -"

"I'm not saying anymore on the subject," I grumble. "You've just got to trust me on this one."

THEFT 2 - *Sequel To THEFT* - (A Chris Brown Fan Fiction Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now