A not-so-friendly game of hide-and-go-seek in the city

Start from the beginning

"Cool story, bro," I answered honestly, shrugging indefinitely. "Consider this as my revenge for six years of torture, and the two weeks of popularity you gave me."

"Why are you so touchy about being social? It doesn't do any harm if you make at least a few friends."

"Oh yes it does!" I snapped. "In my second year here, someone found out after I befriended her and almost alerted the media. If the media finds out, my life is over. Done. I'm dead."

Logan seemed surprised by this piece of information. "Oh," was all he could muster from his lips.

"Well, now that you know, will you please go? I enjoy sitting up here alone."

"How have your studies been going?" he pressed, completely ignoring my request. I rolled my eyes and threw my half empty bottle at him.

"You enjoy chucking objects at me, don't you?" he remarked, catching the plastic bottle easily before taking a swig. "Summer finals are coming up. Do you think you can beat me this year?"

"No." Actually, I could. But then what? Ruin another one of my dear secrets? That I was smart? That would cause another wave of of people chasing after me.

"But what happened to what you said in our first year together?" he pointed out. "I'll beat you, Logan Cross, if it's the last thing I do. I'll prove to you that I'm not stupid."

A smirk crossed my features as I realized how headstrong I had been. And still was. If I was the flexible, adapting person my parents wanted me to be, I would've admitted myself to Logan's arms and protection and services. I would've flourished my intelligence and proudly held myself like the princess I had been raised to be.

Unfortunately for my majestic grandmother, my royal migraine of a mother, and my loopy father, I spent most of my childhood with Archer, a very bad teacher on being willing. He and I were about the most stubborn, prideful, and headstrong people to have ever existed.

"I don't care what I said five years ago," I announced haughtily,

"I'll help you study," he offered. I choked back hysterical fits of laughter. Him? Teach me? Oh yeah, he was supposedly smarter than me. I turned my head away, praying that it looked like I was blushing instead of grinning like a fool.

"Who said I wanted your help?" I shot, proud that my voice didn't betray the laughter inside me. This was just priceless!

"You need my help."

No, I certainly don't, I thought privately. "Fine."

"So do I come over to your house and help you?" he asked.

"Yeah, I guess," I replied, a naive grin on my face. If only I had shoved the hilarious irony of the situation out of my head and realized what he had been aiming for, I might've stopped it. But I had been blind and stupid. Darn you, my brain, for ignoring this!

"Great. You just officially granted me permission to your household. There's no escaping me now, then, huh, Sparrow?" he grinned a pernicious smirk. A hot red blush rose to my cheeks as I realized what he had done. To make matters worse, Logan held up his phone showing me the screen. He had been recording it!

"I hate you," I snarled.

"I know, princess."

* * *

"You're not...serious about tutoring me, are you?" I pressed. He stood outside the room while I stood in it, both of us leaning against the frame, ignoring the gasps, the pictures being taken, the rumors being spread, the videos being recorded.

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