Red Tourette [Request] X Sole Survivor (Nate)

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"Whatcha reading Ret?" Nate asked, walking into Red Tourette's room with Dogmeat by his side.

In a hurry, Red Tourette rolled up the letters she was reading and shoved them in her back pocket not wanting the Sole Survivor to see them, "Nothing," She huffed looking at him, "Why the hell are you back anyway? Does the General of the Minutemen have nothing to do with his days?" She snapped at him.

"Maybe I just wanted to see your pretty face." Nate winked at her.

She rolled her eyes as she stood, "Stay away from me and don't bother my people." She left the room purposely bumping into him to move him out of her way.

Nate sighed when he first met Red Tourette, Ret as he likes to call her, a few days ago he quickly learned she was stubborn but one hell of a woman, plus you know what they say about redheads.

Nate began to shake his head as he looked at the couch where she was previously sitting he saw unrolled papers.

It must've slipped out of her pocket, Nate thought as he walked over to the couch, grabbing the papers.

"Let's see what it says, buddy," Nate spoke to Dogmeat, who whined in response.

There were three letters Nate started with the first one.

Damn it. I'm sorry, sis.

I don't know what happened, I was covering the entrance like you told me. We had Tower Tom's little maggots on the run, then "Blam!" I remember a face full of plaster than nothing. When I woke up, I was here in Beantown Brewery with Tower Tom's ugly mug grinning at me. They've been good to me so far, but I only think it's because they want our food.

Don't give them a thing, sis, I'll find a way out of here.


Lily must be Ret's sister... But why has she never said anything? Nate thought to himself, never hearing her name before. He went to the next letter.

To My Big Sister Red,

You've got to send more of those snack cakes. Otherwise, Tom said he's gonna chop me to bits. I'm scared. He's a real imitating guy. Please. Send more cakes!

Think of your sister, me!

Please help,


Nate caught the difference right away. The second letter wasn't written by Lily it had to be someone else. He went to the last letter.

Red! It's Lily!

I don't know how much longer they're going to let me live if you keep sending these lousy supplies. Deviled eggs? Come on!

My life is on the line here, Red.

I heard them talking about what they're gonna do to me if the next shipment doesn't have better stuff. It ain't good.

No more eggs,


Nate set the letters on the table in front of him he knew he had to do something and do it fast. Lily's life is at stake here if she's even still alive.

Nate stood, "Let's go get more information, buddy. We're going to help whether Ret wants us to or not."

Dogmeat barked and twirled around with excitement to what his owner was saying. Nate left the room with Dogmeat behind him he looked around the area. All the other raiders were walking around doing their own thing. Red Tourette wasn't around, which was good. Nate spotted an old man by a table cleaning his gun. Nate saw the man before always talking to Red Tourette keeping her updated he'll be the man to know what happened.

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