Nick Valentine X Secretary (Clover)

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"Have you decided Clover?" Luca Kazee demanded as he stormed into The Valentine Detective Agency office. His patience was growing thin with her as he waited for her answer for three days now.

Luca Kazee is a very distasteful man. He's part of the Triggermem mafia. He took over Mayor McDonough position after his "unexpected" death somehow (through lots of gun points) became the new mayor of Diamond city in a matter of days.

His entranced startled Clover. Her stomach churning just at the sight of him. He walked around the desk, inching closer to her, making her skin crawl with unease.

"Well?" He asked, aggravated.

She can smell the hint of cigars and, of course alcohol. He's asked Clover, the secretary at Nick Valentine's detective agency, to marry him. She's without a doubt the most gorgeous girl in Diamond City, and he knew he had to do everything in his power to make her his.

Clover held in her sigh biting her lip a little she would've already said no in a heartbeat she didn't want to marry him her heart even belonged to a man already...or synth to be exact but he had threatened her family if she refused his offer and that was something she couldn't deal with. Her family meant the world to her, and if something were to happen to them, she'd never forgive herself.

Clover slipped another file into the box of missing persons. This time, it's a missing infant boy by the name of Shaun. His mother is Nora, the only survivor of Vault 101. She hopes Nora finds her baby, but how all the other cases turned out, it was very unlikely everything turned out okay.

"Do I need to remind you that your family is on the line here?" Mayor Luca reminded her coldly.

She placed the lid back on the box, cringing at his words she turned to him, making sure there was enough space between them being near him and makes her physically sick, "Can I have one more day?" Her request was almost a plea she hoped he would she was running out of options. Her father was too ill to leave Diamond City, so disappearing into the middle of the night wasn't an option. She couldn't leave by herself. it's not like she couldn't survive outside the walls, but as soon as she left, what would Mayor Luca do to her family? It was all upsetting, but there was one option left, but she could never bother Nick about it he already has so much going on being a detective.

Mayor Luca loudly sighed in annoyance, pulling on his suit jacket, "Tomorrow will be your final day. When I come back here, I expect you to be ready to be my wife."

She weakly nodded as the door opened to the office surprising her and the mayor as Nick casually walked into the room her heart soaring at the sight of him it's been two days since she last saw him.

Nick smiled at Clover she tucked a strain of blonde hair behind her ear, returning the smile. He turned to the mayor, staring at him hard, "Something I can help you with mayor?"

Mayor Luca ignored Nick as he left the room purposely bumping into him on his way out the door. Nick glared at the door the mayor just left through lighting up a cigarette. He wasn't surprised to see the mayor in his office Piper had tipped him on his arrival also suggesting something was going on between the two but she couldn't put her finger on it and being the person he is he couldn't let something like that just go past him. The past few years, they've worked together, and she became his friend right away. The two just clicked together.

"Any luck on finding the infant?" Clover quickly asked before Nick could ask her questions about why the mayor was here.

Nick slid his jacket off, laying it on the back of the chair that was in front of his desk, "We think he's at the Institute. This case is going to be very messy, but I want to help her." He tugged at his tie a little still bothered that the good-for-nothing mayor was just here in his office alone with Clover. He took a long draw from his cigarette and then ashed it.

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