5- The Magic Potion

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Friar Simon was planing herbs in his garden when Louis arrived.

"Oh friar, please help me," he begged. " My father says i have to marry Countess Eleanor on Thursday!"

"But you can't," said the friar.

"You have to help." Louis was desperate. "I'd rather die than marry Countess Eleanor. Is there anything you can do?" The friar thought a while.

"Well," he said finally, "there is one thing that might work."

"What is it?" Louis asked, desperately.

"I'll give you a magic herbal potion," the friar said. "When you drink it, you'll go into a coma. Your body will be cold and it will look as if you're dead. But really, you'll just be in a very deep sleep, which will last for two days."

"How will that help?" Louis questioned.

"Drink the potion tonight. In the morning your parents will find you and they will think you're dead. They'll put your body in the Tomlinson family tomb, while they arrange your funeral."

"Then what?" Louis asked.

"I'll send a messenger to Mantua to tell Harry the plan," the friar went on. "Two nights from now you'll wake up. Harry can come to Verona to rescue you- and you can run away together!"

"I'll do it," said Louis, bravely. He held the bottle in a trembling hand." Thank you, Friar Simon." Clutching the potion tightly, she turned and ran home.

Back at the Tomlinson mansion, Louis went to talk to his parents.

"I'm sorry i was rude to you," she said sweetly." I was upset about Zayn. Of course i'll marry Countess Eleanor on Thursday."

"Good boy," said his mother. "We knew you'd see sense."

"She is such a nice Lady," His dad cut in.

That night, Louis sat on his bed. Carefully, he uncorked the bottle Friar Simon had given him and drank every last drop of the bitter potion.

I hope this works, he thought. 

A few moments later, he fell into a deep, deep sleep.

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⏰ Last updated: May 16, 2014 ⏰

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