3- A Secret Wedding

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The next morning, Harry went to visit Friar Simon. The friar was a wise wonk who made medicines and helped people with problems.

"What can i do for you Harry?" Friar Simon asked

"I'm in love with Louis Tomlinson," Harry explained. "I know our parents won't like it, but we really want to get married."

"Then i'll help you," The friar said, kindly. "When your parents find out you're married, it may help stop the fighting. If you both come to my house this afternoon, i'll marry you in secret."

Harry was delighted. He ran to the market square to find Louis' nurse and give her the message.

the nurse rushed off to tell Louis what harry had said. She hated to see her beloved Louis unhappy. "Friar Simon will marry you this afternoon!" she exclaimed.

Louis couldn't stop smiling. "I'll tell my parents i'm going to see the friar about my wedding to Countess Eleanor." He decided.


As the lock struck two, Louis arrived at Friar Simons house. Harry was waiting for him and the frair preformed the secret wedding at once.

"You are now husband and wife" he announced.

Harry and Louis were married. But Louis parents were expecting her back and she had to go straight home. So Harry went to look for George and Niall.

He found them in the market square, arguing with Zayn Malik. "What is the problem?" Harry asked.

"You Styles are the problem," snarled Zayn, turning to Harry. "You sneaked into the party and i'm going to make you pay. I challange you to a duel!"

"I refuse," Harry replied. "You know the price said no fighting."

"Your afraid to fight!" Zayn taunnted him. "Coward"

"Don't speak to my friend like that!" said Niall.

Oh and you want to fight instead do you?" Zayn shouted, drawing his sword. Niall drew his too and started fighting.

"Stop it!" yelled George. He and Harry frantically tried to pull the pair apart. They were too late. Zayn stabbed Niall, who slumped to the ground - dead.

Harry was so upset, he grabbed Nialls sword. Without thinking, he ran to Zayn and stabbed him too. George stared in horror as Zayn sank to the ground. 

"Harry, what have you done?" He gasped. "Quick before the prince comes!" 

Harry dropped the sword and ran for his life.

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