The Last Letter

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Hey S,

How are you doing?

Anyway, Christmas and New Year are coming. More orders to come! I know it's very hectic right now. But you also need to rest, do not overwork yourself its bad to your health. Did you know that there's a Japanese reporter died due to overwork. Just don't do that, okay? Good! You know, when I celebrated my birthday last month, my wish is to meet and talk to you again... Become friends again. Well, for you it's easy to do this but for me it's hard, maybe because of the past or maybe because... because of something else that I can't talk or see you again. Yep, I blamed myself for what I've done from the past few years. It really hurt me. Yes, I was bullied since I was high school. I didn't fight back, just ignoring them. Kept all of it inside me until I have depression. Yes, I became suicidal because of bullying. Boys didn't like me because my looks. Fake friends are everywhere, they will only contact you if they need something from you... so, don't let them borrow something precious from you because they might not return it anymore since they'd taken a like to that thing. This is only precaution. Just be aware.

Well, how is my life? Doing well and fell in love with a guy. Although, we're not yet dating but we love each other and we need to meet; YES WE MUST MEET! He is such a good and adventurous guy. We call each other every day. He always makes me smile and makes me better when I am feeling sad. I don't believe in "He's the one." Why? Because you can feel it from yourself that this guy will do anything to make you happy and both of you will make the relationship stronger. Yes, we sometimes fought but we discussed this by each other and then we're okay. Just few explanations and sorry, and we're good. That's what we call RELATIONSHIP!

We're really destined together. Why? Because of similarities. He was bullied. I was bullied. He had depression. I have depression. Now, he's helping me to overcome depression. Yes S, you read it correct again! Okay! Moving on, I'm happy to see you smile in front of your family.

This is not yet goodbye. But this is the last letter for you.



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