Eighth Letter

22 2 0

Dearest Best Friend,

Hey! Hey! Hey! I saw you at an all-boys school waiting for your lover there with your friend. I wanted to call you but you are busy talking with your friend and my new school service told us to stay and wait for the others but you know what? I had a crush and that crush of mine is studying in an all-boys school. I know his name because I heard it from the driver and I know where he lives. He is so handsome and believes me I was hit by an arrow to my heart by cupid, too bad he doesn't know me and of course, I gave up on him. But that's okay! Fate it is.

Do you know that I was planning to transfer there in an all-girls school but my plan fail. I think my parents knew what I am thinking. I really wanted to call you but I don't know if that is still home number or you changed it. When Friendster became popular, I made myself an account and searched for you but I can't find you and I was thinking that you haven't made an account. So, I add my new classmates and friends. They were all friendly and when my friends got a fight with each other I don't know whose group I should go with. Thank goodness, they make up already, and we're back being in a group. Oh yeah, I forgot to tell you, I joined a YFC club because the club that I wanted to join is already full and me and my friends decided to join YFC (Youth For Christ) club. I had fun and made new acquaintances. It was really fun. We even went to a convention where all of the members of YFC are there. There's also a live band and we enjoyed it! By the way, this is our secret, I didn't eat my lunch I gave it to my friend who is more hungry than me. It's okay if I got hungry besides there are lots of food stalls in the convention so I can buy a food whenever I want. Didn't I tell you that you are still my best friend and no one can replace it.

I hope you are okay and also had fun with your new friends.

Your ex-best friend,


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