Father x Lab Worker (Reader)

Start from the beginning

"He said he wants me to come to his quarters tonight to talk about the project."

She leaned near you, "Were those his exact words?"

You sighed, "Um, I'm just guessing it's about the project. That's the only thing I can think of." You nervously chuckled.

She grinned, "Oh really? This must be exciting!" She clapped her hands, giggling with excitement.

Exciting? My stomach feels like a zoo with all the animals stomping around, and my palms are sweat bombs, You thought giving Madison a weird look.

"I know you're probably nervous. You've had your head in a book or in a project ever since I've known you. I think this would be good for you and Father."

"What makes you think something is even going to happen?" You question her with a raised eyebrow.

She pushes herself off her desk, walking up to you, "Sweetie, I've seen many things happen. I call it as I see it." She pokes your nose playfully as she left her office already going back to work.

You shook your head and went back to work as well, trying to keep your mind off about tonight.

It was late when you left the lab, making sure everything was in order and competed. You head to Father's quarters' fidgeting with your white lab coat. You stood outside of his door that read Director's quarters

You nervously entered the room to your left was a desk and a chair behind it in the corner was a dome with a bed where Father kept the synth kid version of him one of their best creations. Kid Shaun wasn't in his dome, and you wondered where he could be. Nevertheless, you pushed that thought away and walked through his main quarters. You looked to the right, seeing Father sitting on the red couch engrossed with a book in his hand. The cover of the book looked oddly familiar, but you were too nervous to think anything of it.

You cleared your throat, making your presence known. Father looked up at you with a warm smile, "(Y/N), thank you for coming. Please take a seat by me."

The thought of sitting next to him made your palms start to sweat. Yeah, you've been in the same room as him before, but at least you were kept busy with your notes. Being alone in his quarters made you a walking mess.

You walked over to the red couch, taking a seat beside him, "I'm sorry for coming so late."

"It's quite alright." He filed with the book in his hand, and for once, Father, the great leader, was nervous.

Father knew this was foolish and probably against rules, but he had to give this a shot. He's always liked the (h/c) sitting beside him, and rereading the journal confirmed that you like him as well. Very, very much, "I wanted to give this back to you. You left it in the conference room a few days ago after our meeting." He handed you your journal. You stared at it, opening it up. You froze in your seat as you read the first page. Your face grew scarlet. You tried to say something, but no words came out, making you look like a gaping fish.

He chuckled at you slowly reaching out his hand he touched yours gently rubbing it, "You don't have to explain yourself. Dreams are natural, even the impure ones," He chuckled, turning more towards you, and he placed an arm behind you, resting it on the couch.

Oh God, oh God, oh God! Why did I write my dreams in a journal!? How did I not notice before he was reading it!? You thought your brain was going overboard. You couldn't meet Father's eyes. The journal was filled with impure dreams about him. How could you ever face him? This was embarrassing. You just wanted to fade into the couch and never talk about it again.

Not trusting your voice to speak, but you knew you had to say something, "Father, I-I'm sorry I'll get rid of it right away. I shouldn't have done that." You were frantic.

He scooted closer to you, your thighs touching, "I honestly didn't mind. The reason I wanted you to come here was to see if you would like to do what's in your journal," You turned to him, looking in his hazel eyes. You would never expect this to happen ever, "Just keep in mind that I'm not experienced, but I can do all that's in the journal. I've done some research."

"Oh..oh!" Everything he said was processing through your brain, and it was shocking you. You didn't even know where to start. Should you get naked first or him? Your mind was everywhere.

He placed a hand on your thigh, rubbing his thumb in small circles. You started at his hand, biting your lip, and even the slightest touch was setting you off. You leaned towards him placing your mouth onto his neck licking the area as his hand moved further up under your skirt he started toying with your pussy lips through your underwear.

You moaned into his neck then sucked on the skin hard making sure to leave a mark. He stood spreading her legs open he settled himself between them sliding her skirt all the way up wanting complete access he then slid down her panties. You scooted a bit closer to him very excited for what's about to happen next this was one of your favorite dreams and it's happening right now.

He spreads your pussy lips apart licking your clit while fingering you. You tugged on his hair a little biting your lips to contain your moans. He then sucked on your clit just enough to have you on the very edge by that point you were moaning like crazy the pleasure he was giving you was way too good. He added another long delicate finger picking up the pace your legs were trembling your body squirming. He could tell you were getting close your inner walls getting tighter around his two fingers.

"Father!" You moan tilting your head back as you reached your peak so quickly.

He licked up all your juices once he was finished he stood you traveled your eyes downward at the budge in his pants you were reaching out to touch it when someone knocked loudly on the door.

"Father! Sir! We need assistance now!" The person was frantic.

Father sighed, "Come by tomorrow night, okay?" He pecked your lips and hurried out of the room.

You pulled up your panties your insides all mushy still not believing what happened happened and of course, you were very excited for tomorrow night.

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