Hancock X Sole Survivor (Thea)

Start from the beginning

"Oh, no, no, no! Sonya!" Mel cried out.

"Pull yourself together, Mel." Bobbi grunted, "We don't need that thing anymore."

"Have some respect." Thea rolled her eyes, patting Mel on his back.

"But..." Mel stared sadly at Sonya.

"It's okay, Mel, maybe you'll find some parts in the strongroom to make a Sonya 2." Thea smiled at him, trying to cheer him up.

He sighed, "I guess." The two followed Bobbi up the celling part that fell. Thea quickly looted the place, finding caps and ammunition.

"Through here!" Bobbi yelled on the other side of the room. She opened the door to the strongroom, Thea, and Mel, going with her.

"Bobbi, what are you doing here?" Fahrenheit said, shaking her head and standing on the ramp overlooking everything with two guards beside her.

Bobbi brought out her gun, "Shit."

Thea looked at Fahrenheit in confusion. Why would she be in the Diamond City strongroom? She wouldn't care if we stole from Mayor Mcdonough, Thea thought.

"You seriously didn't think Hancock would catch wind of your scheme? He took you in, Bobbi, and you're stealing from him?"

Thea's eyes went the size of golf balls, Hancock? Her mind went completely blank hearing the name of her crush, a man she admired very much. Thea quickly got him out of her mind, returning to her senses she turned to Bobbi furious. She hated being lied to, and if she knew the strong room belonged to Hancock, she never would've agreed to do the dig.

"Son of a bitch!" Thea shouted, "Mel was right!"

"Dammit, Bobbi," Mel said angrily.

"Don't listen to her!" Bobbi shouted looking at Thea and Mel.

"Don't listen to her?! At least someone around here tells the truth!" Thea shouted.

"I see the rest of you are in the dark about this," Fahrenheit said shaking her head, "Nice, No-Nose. You all just broke into Hancock's storeroom. You know Hancock? The mayor of Goodneighbor?"

Thea angrily kicked a can that laid on the ground. Not to mention the man that sets a fire in my heart! Thea angrily thought, what is he going to think of me now?

"Fucking hell!" Thea shouted. Mel crouched trying to contain his anger.

"Listen, guys, I know this isn't what you expected but there are still a ton of caps on the line here. Help me take her out and all of it is ours." Bobbi said trying to convince us.

"Enough!" Mel yelled standing he walked right up to Bobbi, "Don't you hear yourself? This is Hancock we're ripping off here! I don't know if you realize this but the guy tends to hold a grudge."

"Bobbi, what sort of beef do you have with the man that you're wanting to steal from him?" Thea asked remembering the conversation from earlier.

"Everyone one is so damn afraid of him or in love," Guilty as charged on that one, Thea thought to herself, "He thinks he's invincible. I wanted to show he wasn't."

"Jesus Bobbi."

"Counteroffer. Just go back into your tunnel and we can forget this ever happened. What do you say?" Fahrenheit offered.

"Let's go if we leave now we leave with our lives," Thea said having a stare-off with Bobbi. She didn't want to go but a ghoul knows when they're outnumbered.

"You're right." Bobbi sighed lowering her gun her and Mel left going out the door they come in. Thea was about to follow them but Fahrenheit's hand on her shoulder prevented her from doing otherwise.

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