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Updated 19/02/20

EVER FIND YOURSELF with plans during school break only to wake up on a Tuesday morning and...nothing? You could go through the whole day doing absolutely nothing without regretting one bit. That was exactly how Gracie Biers' Tuesday went, so Wednesday came sooner than she thought it would. Gracie knew Bella and Jacob were supposed to go cliff diving today. Even last night Bella rang Gracie about it, that's how excited she was. Something told her that nothing would stop Bella from jumping - for the rush. Gracie was down at Jacob's early in the morning, way earlier than she'd ever imagine to be awake. 

"Hey, I didn't know you were coming round today!" Embry beamed as he rushed to give Gracie a hug. As per usual, the other boys cheered him on to make everything just so awkward. 

She shrugged at his comment, noticing the boys seemed like they were heading out somewhere. "You guys got plans?" 

"Er...Just wolf business." Jared began, but Jacob cut him off. 

"We just came back from a fresh trail so we're headed back out with the rest of the pack to finish this once and for all." Jacob explained. 

"How many of them are here?" Gracie asked, half frightened. 

They each exchanged a look, clearly not wanting to tell her something. 

"You'd be surprised..." Paul answered, and then that was it. The broadness of answers from specific questions always got to her. 

Paul and Jared practically bounded out of the Black's house, trying to beat one another out. Jacob walked over to her first, kissed his friend's forehead lightly then continued out to where Paul and Jared were. Embry smiled at her, coming closer. His hand gently rested over her elbow as her arms were crossed. 

"We'll be fine, I promise. Just, don't go out into the forest today. Not without me at least." Embry's soft voice had a sense of plea in it. 

Clearly they were hunting a vampire, like that Laurent guy not long ago. The thought of another prowling around made Gracie shudder a little.  Her hand brushed his neck, rubbing her thumb gently over his jaw. She made the move this time, pulling him in to a small, quick kiss for reassurance. He then kissed her forehead and headed outside. She thought it'd be best if she stayed with Billy, now not wanting to even go outside at all. The other reason was because she knew the boys would return here at some point of the day. Gracie sat beside Billy, as he placed down a bowl of cereal for her to eat as well. Not a moment later, Bella's truck pulled in the driveway.  Gracie looked to the front door, Billy still eating his cereal with not a single care. The weather seemed to have changed a bit since she'd arrived in the early morning; thick blankets of clouds covering the sky and was quite chilly whenever the wind would blow. Bella took about five minutes until she'd ventured out to the front door, knocking quietly. 

"C'mon in, Bella," Billy said, still eating his cereal without looking up once. 

"Jake sleeping?" She asked, openly the screen door. 

"Er, no." Billy spoke, setting down his spoon, then looking to Gracie.

"What happened?" Bella demanded, leaning on the table right beside her. She dared to look up, her eyes searching for any information about Jacob.

"He's with Embry, and the rest of the pack. They said something about a fresh trails early this morning to finish it off." Gracie explained, to which Billy finished. 

"Sam was hopeful - she's apparently hedged herself in beside the mountains. He thinks they have a good chance to finish this." 

"Billy, no. Oh no!" Bella beginning to whisper to herself, pacing up and down. 

Midnight Sun ❖ (Embry Call - The Twilight Saga)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ