32) the first plan

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he walks into a small cafe, immediately seeing his expected company on the other side of the room in a small booth.

he makes his way over, sitting across his acquaintance, letting out a meek, "hi,"

a nod. "hello," is returned.

he clears his throat, "yeah, uh, thanks for meeting with me today,"

sipping harshly through their straw, he cringes at the sound of nothing but air being drunk. "you're late," they point to their empty drink. they've been sitting alone for half an hour.

he cringes as he nods, "yeah, i know,"

they shrug him off, "so this must not be very important to you then," they tease, voice serious.

"no!" he hurries to defend. "no, this is really important, i really need your help,"

they shrug, feigning a sigh, "alright, i guess i'll help you,"

"yes, yes, thank you," he thanks, relaxing slightly in his seat.

"what do you need?" they ask.

he frowns, "i just-- i really need to make it up to him," he starts.

"but he really doesn't want to talk to me,"

they nod, "yeah, he's still very upset. we're all trying to talk to him about it but he feels... betrayed,"

he sighs, scolding himself, "i know, i was-- i am stupid. but, please, help me make it up to him,"

they think, their leg foot tapping a staccato on the floor.

"okay, i have an idea,"

back at the apartment building, a man sits on his couch in despair.

he's bored, and lonely, and lonely and bored.

he's itching to text a certain person, craving the company, but at the same time he never want's to see them again. yet he also is wishing they will just message him.

when his phone sounds off a ping, he has hope that is soon shredded when the text is not from who he'd like.

deb: i know it's iffy for your current state but tomorrow i need you to meet me at the social centre around two

he frowns, texting back.

isn't it closed on tuesdays

deb: i have keys duh

he groans. he really wasn't planning on leaving his apartment anytime soon, but debby just loves making his life difficult.

with a pout, he texts back a reluctant agreement.

i guess he's going to be leaving his apartment earlier than he thought.

this is short and blah but whatever.


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