27) the many jigs

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  i really want the sims 4. anyway, enjoy.


"you love him!" trever shouts as he storms into josh's apartment.

"i want to ask him to be my boyfriend!" josh shouts back.

trever is astonished. he expected josh to do his thing and pout and whine and deny it, not shout back that he wants to take the relationship further.

he gasps and clutches his chest, "it's happening," he whispers to himself. he wipes away a tear that made it's way down his cheek, "i'd like to thank god-" he starts,

"shut up!" josh laughs.

trever sputters, his eyes wide, "shu-- uh, what?! you-you expect me to not scream and shout and dance, right now?" he scoffs.

"well, no," he shakes his head, "i will not just stand around and let you try to say that this isn't a big deal, because this is the biggest deal ever!"


"no! no, this is such a big deal. i'm-i'm gonna do a... a jig," he nods.

josh snorts, "yeah? you're gonna do a jig?"

trever nods, stepping back, "yes, i am going to do a jig,"

josh raises his eyebrows, "okay," he nods, "do a jig,"

trever nods back, "i will,"

josh nods back at trever's nod back, "do a jig, right now,"

trever coughs, "yeah, right, okay, here i go. m'gonna do a jig, right now,"

"dance, fucker!" josh groans.

trever nods, "okay, okay!"

he starts to hop back and forth on his feet, carefully swinging them in some sort of jig.

whilst he is so focused on his feet, his arms are flailing about, and he looks ridiculous.

josh laughs as trever seems to really get into it, causing the dancing boy to look up at josh and grin, ultimately leading to him tripping over his foot and falling onto the floor with a loud thud.

josh cackles at trever's misfortune, eyes squinted shut by the force of his large smile.

trever rubs his chin as he sits up, "i hate you," he pouts.

josh shrugs, "your fault for jigging,"

after two days of constant thinking, neither of the boys have any ideas on how to ask tyler the big question.

there's no way to ask it without it being a question, so they have to find a loophole of some sort.

josh's train of thought is interrupted by his cell phone ringing, flashing debby's name. he grins, she's just the person he needs to talk to.

he answers the phone, about to greet her, but she speaks before he can,

"don't ask why, but i need you to go grocery shopping for tyler,"

"h-- wait, what?"

"i'm stuck watching my niece, and not only is she afraid of tyler, but she hates grocery shopping. tyler has trouble leaving the house, you know this, so you have to go get him some fricken food," she demands.

"just walk right into his apartment, grab the money and list that's on the counter, and do then buy the shit on the list. it's not that hard,"

josh rolls his eyes, "fine, this better get me brownie points," he grumbles.

debby sniggers, "oh, it will. you don't need them, but it will,"

josh furrows his brows, "what? nevermind. oh, also, i want to ask tyler to be my boyfriend, any tips on how to do so?"

debby is quiet for a moment, before squealing and shouting, "finally!"

josh rolls his eyes, "whatever, just help me," he whines.

debby nods, "yeah, okay, just-just ask him in whatever way you want, but give him time to answer. whether it be an hour or a month, you give that boy as much time as he needs to answer. if he feels rushed he will compulsively say no, when i know he wants to say yes. okay?"

josh nods, "yeah, okay,"

debby hums, smiling, "good. now, go get you man, and your man's food,"

josh laughs, rolling his eyes, "alright. thanks,"

"whatever," she replies, but josh can hear her smirk.

they hang up and josh is left to think of how to ask tyler. but first, grocery shopping.

what's the difference between beer nuts and deer nuts?

beer nuts are $1.39, and deer nuts are under a buck.


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