Start from the beginning

"His dad got hit by a car. There was an accident. I'm pretty sure he's okay, though."

"I know. Stiles texted me about it right after it happened. Some people know how to stay in touch with others."

"Vi, I told Allison we should skip today because it was her—"

"I don't care what it was, Scott," Violet said, finally looking up, "you couldn't have shot me a text? 'Hey, I'm skipping, cover for me at home.' That couldn't suffice? I know you got shit from Mom, so I'll go slightly easier on you. But I'm still mad."

"I thought you were concerned."

"I was. Now I'm just mad. Goodnight, Scott." Violet said, shutting the pages in her binder and putting her phone to charge. She got up, put the binder inside her backpack and went up to where Scott still stood at the doorway. "Goodnight, Scott." She repeated before softly shutting the door.


Violet was out the door the next Monday before Scott even got the chance to ask if they were biking together. Stiles had already taken the initiative in asking if she needed a ride the night before and they left early, half on purpose, half just because.

Stiles decided he was giving Scott the silent treatment for not answering his phone, and also decided to throw in the factor that his dad got hurt, even though Scott was indirectly at fault.

Because of smarts and good grades, Violet was put into all honors classes, which also meant that some of the classes she took were with her brother and Stiles. Oddly enough, her homeroom got switched into Scott and Stiles' homeroom.

Scott walked into the classroom and took the seat behind Stiles while he and Violet were invigorated in their conversation, "episode four is definitely the better movie!" Violet exclaimed.

"No way! Definitely episode five, and it has a higher Rotten Tomatoes rating." Stiles argued.

"By one percent!" Violet said as she eyed her brother while he took his seat, "I rest my case." She finished, turning back to the front of the classroom.

"Hey." Scott said, breaking the silence, "I see you're still not talking to me." He told Stiles, who shot a glance at the younger McCall who was looking backwards again to see the hoedown. Scott sighed, "can you at least tell me if your dad's okay? I mean, it's just a bruise, right? Just some soft tissue damage?"

"Good job, Dr. McCall!" Violet fake congratulated her older brother, who shot her a look of annoyance. Stiles was still going strong in his silent treatment.

"You know I feel really bad about it, right?" Scott asked, hoping Stiles would turn around and say something. "What if I tell you I'm trying to sort this whole thing out and I went to Derek for help?"

"You went to—?" Violet didn't finish her sentence for a number of reasons. The main one was shock, the other was the fact that Stiles was turning his head to say something.

"If I was still talking to you, I would say you're an idiot for trusting him, but since I'm not talking to you..." Stiles said as the late bell rang.

"Who even are you? Brother who? He sounds nice. Asking Derek for help is idiotic, Scott." Violet asked before turning in her seat and beginning to do the work that was on her desk.

There was silence for an extended period of time. Violet could already tell Stiles was breaking without even looking a him, and when she looked over to Stiles, an expression of agonizing pain was spread across his face. "What did he say?" Stiles finally broke with a sigh.

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