Chapter 3: Introductions Part 2

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Everyone sat down for sandwiches, they were all hungry so there wasn't any talking. By the time they had finished Hermione and Ginny had re-joined the crowd.

Vic stood up "Well I guess we might as well go next" Louis and Dom stood up next to her

"My name is Victorie Weasley, I'm 21 years old. When I was at Hogwarts I was a Ravenclaw, in Quidditch I play Chaser" When she finished she sat down next to Teddy on the couch

"Then I guess it's my turn, my name is Dominique Weasley, I'm 16 and a Gryffindor, I can play Beater, but I am not on the house team" Dom finished

"Hey you're not giving yourself enough credit, last year she played for me and won us the house cup by knocking out the Slytherin Seeker" Fred said, Roxanne nodded

"Yeah that was the game where you couldn't play as you were in the hospital wing because Anna Thomas-Finnigan hexed you." Roxanne said, then she turned to Dom "We made a pretty awesome team" Dom grinned

"Ok, back on track, My name is Louis Weasley, I'm 13 and a Ravenclaw, I don't play Quidditch because hights freak me out" Louis said

"Who are your parents?" Mrs. Weasley asked

Dom grinned "Oh right, our father is Bill Weasley, and our mother is Fleur Weasley, but you know her as Fleur Delacour" Bill looked stunned

"Oh, I have so many grandkids!" Mrs. Weasley yelled

"Molly chill we aren't even halfway done" Sirius said

Frank stepped forward "Maybe we should move into the honorary Weasleys" He said, glancing at Mrs. Weasley "My name is Frank Longbottom I'm 17 years old and a Gryffindor. I don't play Quidditch"

Alice went next "My name is Alice Longbottom, I'm 15 and a Ravenclaw, I play chaser and my parents are Neville and Hannah Longbottom"

"Don't forget to tell them about your boyfriend!" James said, Alice and Albus burned bright red.

"I have been dating Albus for about a year" Alice stated, while glaring at James, who tried to look innocent.

"Really," Sirius said, raising his eyebrows "Are there any other relationships we've missed?"

"Well Teddy and Vic are engaged" Dom said

"What?" Bill said

"Dom we weren't going to tell them yet" Vic said looking mortified

"You have to tell them someday, this can be like practice" Dom reasoned

Bill looked Teddy over then nodded. Tonks on the other hand jumped up to hug Vic. "I have a son! And he's engaged!" She yelled looking excited

In the back Scorpius took a deep breath then walked to the front.

"My name is Scorpius Malfoy" he paused as everyone started talking

"A Malfoy?"

"Can we trust him?"

"I mean he's here"

Scorpius continued "I know you don't like my family right now, but I'm not evil, I basically moved in with the Potters because Al is my best friend and I don't get along with my dad"

"Anyway I'm a proud Gryffindor" He continued

"YES! I'm not alone!" Sirius yelled looking excited "Take that stupid house of Black!" He ran over and kicked the wall, before falling on his face

Everyone started laughing, while Remus went to shut up Mrs. Black who had heard the commotion.

Scorpius grinned "Oh, and I'm a chaser"

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