Chapter 1: JAMES!

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The burrow was chaos, all the cousins and co. were running around and making enough noise for 10. There was a ministry ball tonight and all the parents were going and leaving Teddy and Victorie in charge. It was not going well, to say the least. Teddy and Vic were snogging on the couch, James was arguing with Ivy Wood about something, Roxanne, Dom and fred were placing bets on when James and Ivy would get together, Lily was getting her butt kicked at wizarding chess by Hugo while Daisy watched, Alice and Albus were talking to each other with Rose reading a book against Scorpius at their feet, Molly and Lucy were bickering about god knows what, Louis was reading a book in the farthest corner from the chaos, Frank was watching the chaos in the back, and, Lycon and Lysander were in the kitchen...


I was arguing with Ivy when I had a great idea, I walked towards Fred ignoring Ivy as she continued yelling at me about turning her hair purple yesterday.

"Hey Fred I have an awesome idea" I said excitedly as I pulled Fred out of the room.

"What is it?" Fred asked.

"You know how my dad never lets us into his study?" I asked, bouncing up and down.

"Yeah something about it being dangerous and- ohhh...." Fred trailed off as they approached the study.

I was brimming with excitement I had wanted to go in dad's study since he declared it off limits, something about toddler Lily and a explosion? Whatever, I opened the door slowly and we walked in. My eyes scanned the room looking for something interesting, and landed on a little golden necklace on the desk.

'What's this?" I mumbled to myself, Fred shrugged and looked over my shoulder.

"JAMES, FRED WHERE DID YOU GO?" Vic yelled from somewhere downstairs.

UH-OH I made eye contact with Fred and pocketed the gold necklace. We both ran down the stairs quietly, until Fred tripped alerting everyone that we had been upstairs.


I stood up after finishing a game of chess against Hugo (I lost) when I looked around and noticed that James and Fred were gone, if it was anyone else I wouldn't care but they were huge trouble makers. I turned around to look for Teddy and Vic.

"Teddy, Vic have you seen- " I started to say until I noticed them snogging "Ahh my eyes!" I screamed dramatically as everyone turned to look at me.

"What Lily?" Teddy asked sounding annoyed .

"Did anyone see where James and Fred went?" I asked, everyone looked around the room and noticed they were gone.

Ivy spoke up "I'm not sure where he went but James ditched me mid conversation a few minutes ago" she added.

Vic looked worried she brought her hand to her mouth and yelled "JAMES, FRED WHERE DID YOU GO?" We heard a couple of thumps up stairs.

"It sounds like they just fell down the stairs" I noted, everyone stared at me .

"What?" A few seconds later James stumbled in the doorway with Fred in tow.

"Where were you?" Vic asked suspiciously.

"Oh we just went into the-" James what cut off by Rose.

"James what are you holding!" she yelled looking at his hand, for the first time I noticed a thin gold chain trailing from James's hand.

"Nothing." He said quickly, trying and failing to hide it behind his back.

"What is it James?" Teddy asked, James looked around to make a run for it, before realizing he was cornered, so he pulled it from behind his back.

"JAMES PUT THAT BACK RIGHT NOW!" Rose yelled as soon as she saw the necklace. I looked closer, it was a thin golden chain with a hour glass hanging from it. Everyone quietly examined it for a minute.

"Ok I'll be the one to ask, what is it Rose?" I asked to break the silence.

Rose looked worried "It' a Time Turner" She said quietly.

"JAMES WHERE DID YOU GET A BLOODY TIME TURNER!?" Vic asked "Do you know how dangerous those are!"

"I just found it" James lied, I rolled my eyes .

"No you didn't, it came from dad's study I saw it in there yesterday" Albus said.

"What does it do?" he asked, I watched as Rose tried to control her temper and glared at him.

"YOU COULD SEND US BACK IN TIME" Vic yelled, I eyed the necklace suspiciously.

"Give to me, now" Teddy said, James looked from Teddy to the necklace, before turning to run the other way. I watched in horror as he tripped and dropped it on the ground. I moved to pick it up when the necklace started spewing black smoke.

The last thing I heard was everyone yelling something along the lines of "JAMES I'M GOING TO KILL YOU!" then everything went black.


Meanwhile Lycon and Lysander had just walked in to see everyone disappear.

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