Chapter 2: Introductions Part 1

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There was an order meeting going on in number 12 Grimmauld place when suddenly a thud was heard from outside, Remus and Sirius were nominated to go find out what it was. They got into the hall and noise was coming from the closet.


"Whose foot is this?"



"Who is on my hair?"

"Where are we?"


Remus and Sirius exchanged glances at the last one, Sirius held out a hand and walked forward to open the door of the closet. A bunch of kids of different ages tumbled out to the floor. One with blue hair stood up first, he looked around and when his eyes got to Remus he looked terrified.


I was trying to untangle myself from everyone when Teddy stood up.

"Umm, guys" he sounded terrified.

"Who are you and how did you find this place!" a unfamiliar voice asked, I quickly stood up with everyone else except James and Ivy who were arguing again. I examined the room, it seemed to be a entryway there are 2 middle aged men standing a good distance away pointing wands at us, I looked at the room a little closer and recognize a dirtier version of Grimmauld place.

"SIRIUS, REMUS WHO IS IT?" another voice yelled.

"A BUNCH OF RANDOM KIDS!" the man who I now identified as Sirius Black yelled.

"What year is this?" Rose asked quickly, looking worried.

"1995, why?" The other man who must be Remus Lupin said, sounding confused. Now I was worried, we weren't even supposed to leave the house, much less time travel.

"We need to see the Order because I'm 98% sure we just time traveled in time!" Vic said quickly holding her wand above her head, we all followed her lead quickly except Teddy who seemed to be in a state of shock as his hair turned white. Sirius turned to Remus who nodded.

"Fine but we need all your wands-Expelliarmus!" I jumped as my wand flew out of my hand. All the wands flew to Sirius who somehow managed to catch them, and we followed him upstairs.

I stepped into the room where an order meeting was being held and immediately hid behind Rose who seemed to caught up in her head to notice me. I recognized all the people in the room and I knew that none of them like my father very much in this time.

"Sirius, Remus why are there 20 kids in here. Do you even know who they are?" a younger Mrs.Weasley asked. I ducked, Vic nudged Teddy who did nothing, so she stepped forward:

"My name is Victorie Weasley, these are my cousins and we just traveled in time" Vic said with a straight face, a thud was heard upstairs and Fred, George, Ginny, Hermione, Ron and Harry ran into the room, they had been listening using Extendable Ears.

"Why should we believe you?" Tonks asked suspiciously, Dom grinned and stepped up.

"Because we know, things about your lives you don't even know" Dom said, I rolled my eyes.

"Dom it might be dangerous to tell them" Molly II put in, Dom waved her hand.

"Nah, We can just obliviate them" Dom reasoned,

"Well I'm curious, what do you know about us and why should we believe you?" Tonks asked, all the kids turned grinning to Roxanne who had the best memory when it came to stories.

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