Chapter Three

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Girls are like Phones. We want to be held and talked to. But if you pressed the wrong button... You will be Disconnected. 

Mara pulled her car into an available spot in the school parking lot. She turned the car off and turned and looked at me. "Three minutes." 

I grabbed my bag and cell phone and jumped out of the car, grabbing my Frappe. Mara followed as I threw away my Frappe in the nearest trash can. We both hurried into the entrance with two minutes to get to first period. We both ran to our lockers and grabbed our textbooks and notes as we finally arrived to our Algebra class w/ about 30 seconds before the bell rang. I took the empty seat the Zoey has been saving me, but realized there were no other available seats. Except for the one in the back of the class. Mara just rolled her eyes and walked to the back. I felt bad, but she'll get over it. 

"Students, please take out Ch. 13 notes and we will begin our discussion." 

I pulled my notes out of my bag and sat quietly, waiting for the lesson to begin. 

I'm just a nerd like that. 

I've always had a thing for math, Especially algebra. If that makes me a nerd, then so be it. Thedoor opened and I looked to see who was coming in. As I looked over it seemed like my eyes were glued to the stunning figure that was standing in the doorway.




Standing next to the teachers desk, he was explaining as to why he was late. I couldn't process what he was saying. I was too busy staring at his gorgeous smile. I felt like a Justin Beiber fan-girl who just got to take a picture with the man himself. But this is defiantly better.

I'm not getting my hopes up. Yeah, Jay is one of the hottest guys at our school but he is a player.. And he is taken I'm pretty sure. I would NEVER go for a guy like that. He's such a Jerk. He has seriously probably dated and or screwed the whole Cheer Squad AND Volleyball team.... Well, rumor has it. 

I turned back to my notes and tried to push those bright blue eyes out of my head and focus. He walked by my desk and gave me a wink followed with that gorgeous smile. I rolled my eyes, no way he's playing me like that. 

I don't know what it was but.. I kinda felt sick. Light headed. About to vomit everywhere and I don't know what came over me all of a sudden! 





Why is this happening to me? Why now. 

He Winked at me. 

He smiled at me. 

He showed the slightest bit of attention and I'm melting. Butterflies. I can't make it stop no matter how hard I tried. Ugh. No, I refuse to build my hopes up. If I do, Its just gonna end in a broken heart and tears. Just like the other 50 chicks he's messed with. 

I don't wanna like him. I really don't. 

Please God, Don't do this to me. 

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