Chapter Twelve: Me Myself & I

Start from the beginning

Rose- Jaz you are still laying down?..Aren't you going to be late for school?

Jazmin- Mom I don't feel good I rather not go to school today..

Rose- What's wrong honey?

Jazmin- Heartache...

Rose- Would this have anything to do with Jake?

Jazmin- (Ugh if you just knew) Um..

Rose- Hun. You know you can talk to me if anything is bothering you..

Jazmin- I know mom but it's fine I just need to rest..& hopefully I'll feel better later on.

Rose- Well you know I don't like you missing school..but if you don't feel good I rather have you rest then. Call me if you need anything or stop by the bakery shop when you feel better.

Jazmin- Thanks mom..I will.

Rose- And Jazmin...

Jazmin- Yes mom?

Rose- Whatever it is that's bugging you..It won't be the end of the world..Just brush it off your shoulders and pick yourself up. *Smiles

Jazmin- (She must be talking from experience)....Thanks mom I'll be alright.

Once my mom left the room. I got up brushed my teeth and went straight back to bed. I had no intention in going anywhere else. My head was still throbbing in pain from all the thinking I did all night. I felt like a complete zombie. I heard two voices talking outside the house one of them was my mothers so I got up again to check.

Rose- Yeah I know how hard it can be raising kids alone..

Emma- Fact is we are super mommies I just hope one day they'll understand why we worry so much about them..

Rose- I couldn't agree more..So I'll see you at the bakery shop?

Emma- Of course I'll be having the same as usual..*Smiles

Rose- See you then Emma..

What?...Since when does my mom have conversations with James Mother! And she goes to the bakery shop too!? Ugh just great.

I went back to bed and cuddled next to my teddy bear that Jake had won for me at a fair back in Jacksonville. I remember that day clearly just as if it had happened yesterday. I was so excited to go to the fair it was my first time and to go with Jake only built the excitement even more. I always heard the rides were scary and daring even though Jake was a wuss for rides of any sort. I always wanted to experience the thrill. That day we made a bet if he won me a teddy bear on the "pop the balloon" game he wouldn't have to go on a ride with me. However if he lost he would have to get on the most highest and fastest ride they had. Sure the game sounded like a piece of cake. Well it wasn't. He had to stand from a far distance and with a single dart he had to aim towards the balloon that would be constantly moving from position.

ONE TRY and that lucky guy succeeded..Unbelievable. After he confessed to me that his father had him practice at a shooting range when he was only 10 years old. All because he needed to grow into a tough young man. I told him the saying my dad would say as a boxer "Holding a pistol doesn't make you a brave man, Fighting with your fists does". I changed his point of view in things when I shared that quote with him. He told me he always thought his father was wrong when it came to using pistols to prove a point. Then again he did see his father as someone powerful and strong. He then would suddenly stop talking about him. Now that it was over between us, there wasn't anymore reason to hide me from them. Although I did wonder if he ever mentioned me to them.

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