'Are you scared, Al?' I asked.

'No, we are strong. We'll fit in just fine don't worry, maybe you will even find your mate.' Alice was so obsessed with finding her mate, her other half. I don't see what the big deal is, maybe next year I would find it interesting but right now I am sixteen and I just want to focus on my grades to make my mum and dad proud, Alice was in the year above me, she was more of the partier than I was but we got along great.


The next day I woke up bright and early, something about this day seemed to excite me, maybe it was because we are meeting our new pack, I had never been in a pack before.

After brushing my teeth I changed into some washed out skinny jeans and a dark grey Bob Marley shirt, I let my hair fall into it's loose black gentle curls and put on some foundation and mascara to make my hazel eyes look awake, I licked my deep pink lips and sprayed a hint of my favorite perfume which smelt of strawberries and roses.

When I got downstairs no one was awake so I decided to explore the neighborhood a little, I grabbed an apple and made my way down the street. The area that I lived in looked a little like one of those friendly towns with houses stretched down to as far as I could see and doors left open with little kids playing around in the sprinklers, just looking around had me smiling like a cheshire cat, this is how it should be people treating you like family in this community of a town, unlike New York which had crime lurking in the shadows of ever ally way I passed.

'Patch come back!' I heard a girls voice cry out behind me as a dog came shooting by me knocking me off my feet.

'Stupid dog! See what you did!?' The girl cried out into thin air as the dog disappeared into the distance, she looked down at me and her eyes widened in shock.

'You're the new girl right?!' She exclaimed reaching her hand out to help me up, I took it with a smile.

'Is it that obvious?' I asked.

'No! of course not, it's just the pack knows they are expecting a new comer.' She smiled, I could have guessed she was a wolf with her sandy hair, green eyes and great physique. She was easily around 5,8 making me feel slightly small at 5,4.

'Excuse my rudeness! I'm Ruth!' She held out her hand and I shook it politely.

'Samantha.' I replied still winded from the dog knocking me off my feet 'Are you going to get your dog?'

'Patch? Oh no he will be fine he always runs away. That dog just uses me for food and drink then goes off exploring, he knows where home is though!' Her breathing pattern had gone back to usual and she smoothed out her green summer dress that must have crinkled up while she ran.

'Are you meeting the alpha today?' She asked as we started walking towards the direction of my house.

'Yeah I am, do you live in that pack house down the road?' I asked curiously.

'Yeah I do, there is no room at the moment or you would have moved in! All the humans live in the houses down here but hopefully there should be some space for you soon.' It amazed me how a house that big could be full up.

'How many of you are there?' I questioned.

'Loads, around 363 in the pack house, it's one of the largest packs in the area!' She stated proudly. We had turned the corner to my house and I could see the lights turned on.

'Well I will leave you to settle in and see you in 2 hours for the pack meeting. See you later Samantha!' Ruth shouted running back to the pack house, I waved and went into the house.

'Making friends already?' Mum said, obviously watching from the kitchen window.

'Guess so.' I smiled 'Pancakes, my favorite!' The smell of my mothers coconut pancakes drifted around the house, she would always use this method to gather my father and sister downstairs since they love sleep. It was better than an alarm clock if you ask me even though I was more of a morning person.

By the time we finished breakfast we were on our way to the pack house apparently the Alpha was really strict but had a son who was known as the 'greek god of Queensland.' My sister told me this part, obviously she would know about the hot guys when she hasn't even been here for 24 hours - typical Alice.

As we entered the pack house it seemed bigger than it had been last night, the entrance hall looked like the size of my home. I rolled my eyes at how crazy some buildings had to be but I am not going to lie it was beautiful. The walls were painted cream decorated with framed oiled paintings leading up an oak stair case.

'The Robinsons!' A deep loud voice came from the other side of the hall way and a man who looked around thirty but I'm sure was older due to the way werewolves age. He was very good looking with a small patch of stubble on his chin and his chestnut hair smoothed back, I am guessing he is our alpha.

'Hello Alpha.' My father responded with a courteous nod.

'Please call me Drew! This is my wife Antoinette.' The woman behind him looked like one of those Brazillian models on tabloids, she had thick black hair and dark red lips, she looked around 30 as well but you could tell that she was a bit older with the slight aging lines that circled her dark brown eyes.

'Nice to meet you.' My mother began 'These are our daughters Alice and Samantha.' We both gave light smiles.

What happened next I was not expecting as a deep woodsy scent hit me like a brick wall. I looked around to see where the smell was coming from when I turned straight to a figure walking through the door.

He had tanned skin complimented by a white shirt covering his angelically carved muscles underneath, his dark brown hair was messy but tamed and his colbalt blue eyes shone with amusement and lust as they locked with mine. All I saw then was his perfect lips lift into a smile showing his white teeth.

Mate. My wolf spoke to me.

Well this is awkward.

His Possession (UNDER EDITING) Where stories live. Discover now