Chapter 4

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Hi guys, thank you for the votes it means so much to me, please give me your feed back it really gives me inspiration to write! Enjoy the chapter, sorry it is a bit short but as the story picks up I will try to make them longer for you :) 

‘One more shop.’ Ruth was tugging at my hand to enter yet another store.

‘My feet are hurting.’ I pouted.

‘We both know that’s not true, you’re just bored.’ Ruth stated, with a frown evident on her face. I puffed out a breath of air and rolled my eyes.

‘Fine, one more store and it better be a good one.’ I stated. Ruth’s face had lit up and she dragged me into an outlet store. I loved shopping don’t get me wrong but when it’s with Ruth it’s like a kid in a candy shop, she will get excited over almost the exact same thing as before. To be perfectly honest I didn’t really feel like shopping but after last night I couldn’t get my mind off Lucien and being away from your mate hurts after a while, especially for an alpha.

I bit my lip and walked towards the dresses, and flicked through them hearing the clanks of the hangers as I did so, I mean it is my fault. He is doing everything that a mate should do but I seem to always want my freedom.

‘That’s so perfect for you!’ I jumped and turned to see Ruth beady eyes on the white dress that I was holding it looked tight, but elegant at the same time with a lace back with beautiful patterns on it, it was almost therapeutic.

‘How much is it?’ she asked, and I checked the price, my eyes widened.

‘I think someone left their phone number on here.’ I joked.

‘It’s fine, I’ll get it for you.’ Ruth smiled.

‘Ruth honestly it’s fine I have only known you for what, two days? I can’t except that.’ I stated but couldn’t help but smile at her generosity.

‘Are you kidding, that dress works perfectly with your dark hair, and I am pretty sure you will have males crawling after you in that.’ I gulped, little did she know that even if guys liked it they would not dare look at me if Lucien had anything to say about it.


In the end Ruth had persuaded me to let her buy the dress and in return I offered to put my skills to use and make her and some of the pack lunch.

‘Where’s your chopping board?’ I asked and Ruth pointed up to the cupboard.

After I had everything sorted I started to chop up some vegetables to go into the mince sauce.

‘You know, apparently you burn more calories than you eat when you have celery.’ Ruth stated biting into a celery stick.

‘Does it really matter, it’s not like wolves have to worry about that kind of stuff.’ I laughed and put the rest of the contents into the pan.

‘What’s cooking?’ I turned to see Derek hop onto a stool and shoot me a big grin.

‘Your favorite’ Ruth said finishing off her celery.

‘Who doesn’t like spaghetti bolognaise?’ He replied and his grin widened. By this time a few of the pack members were sitting around the kitchen having a good conversation.

‘You have nice eye’s.’ Said a little girl who looked around five, she had a little stuffed animal bunny in her hand and was dressed in a cute purple dress.

‘Lila, come sit down.’ A tall woman with blonde hair similar to the little girl picked her up and gave her a kiss on the head.

‘Sorry, if she is being a hassle. I’m Francesca and this is my daughter Lila.’ I smiled up at the two of them but I wandered where her mate was, usually they are so close together when they have pups.

‘No not at all, I was just making some food for everyone if you want to have some.’ I said as Lila’s eyes lit up.

‘That would be great.’ Francesca said as she headed to one of the many stool around the kitchen counter.

Everything was going really well until everyone went silent, I turned around and saw Lucien saunter into the kitchen and sit down on one of the stools, his gaze burning into me. I gulped suddenly feeling my throat go dry as the other pack members bowed their heads in respect and then continued on with their conversations.

‘Derek do you think Rockaways is open tonight?’ Ruth said across the counter.

‘Yeah I think so.’ He said with a mischievous glint in his eyes.

‘Any of you want to tell me what Rockaways is?’ I asked.

‘Just a nightclub in town.’ Ruth stated ‘You have to wear your sexy white dress we got today!’ My cheeks flushed red and I pushed a strand of hair in front of my face to avoid Lucien’s burning gaze, at least he was sticking to the deal he hadn’t said a word, but that still didn’t help my case when he is sat there in all his pride and beauty a few meters away.

‘Sexy white dress? I’m definitely coming.’ Derek said as he suggestively raised his eyebrows at me. A loud growl erupted on the other side of the room and I turned to see Lucien tightly gripping the table with his hands as he glared at Derek.

They both went quiet for a minute and kept eye contact, they must have been talking through their mind link, as Derek shuffled out the door with out looking back and left the house.

I let out a breath of air to show my frustration with Lucien, he was only joking around and he is jealous over a boyish comment.

‘Where are your pans?’ I asked Ruth.

‘Same cupboard as before.’ She stated with an amused expression.

I leaned up to get the pan feeling my shirt rise as I did so, suddenly I felt someone growl and come up behind me and get the pan from above my head. I knew it was him just by the tingles running through my body as his arm brushed mine.

I turned around on my heel giving Lucien a tight nod and headed to the sink to fill it up with water.

‘Oh yeah be careful of the tap, the water comes out really fast.’ Ruth said, but it was too late, the water splashed out from the pan soaking my shirt.

‘Told you so.’ Ruth giggled, I turned back around to scold her until I felt a pair of arms wrap around my body blocking me from everyone’s view, I saw Lucien’s shaking body covering me.

‘Look away.’ He barked at everyone in the room, I didn’t understand what he was so angry about until I looked down to see that my shirt had gone extremely transparent, showing my black lacy bra under my white shirt which was clinging to my body. I heard Lucien growl loudly as he lifted me up over my shoulder and ran out the kitchen and into what I assume is his bedroom.

‘Why did you not listen to Ruth, are you trying to make me angry?’ He shouted pressing me up against the wall.

‘It was an accident!’ I shouted ‘No one saw my bra, it’s fine.’ This seemed to make Lucien angrier as he turned away from me and flipped over one of the bed side tables. I remained still watching his broad shoulders rise and fall.

About three minutes had passed until he turned around, his eyes darker than I had ever seen them before.

‘I tried doing things your way but I can’t control my self, the deal is off. I need you here, with me.’ He said slowly as he walked towards me ‘You’re mine. You are not going out tonight and no one is to see you in that white dress Ruth was talking so fondly of other than me.’ I felt anger bubble up inside of me and as I was about to open my mouth to fight back he turned his heel and walked out the door slamming the door behind him.

I slid down the wall trying to get my head around the whole situation, this wasn’t fair. I couldn’t control what just happened and now everyone will probably know that he is my mate, so much for having time to think about it, not even my sister knows and now the whole pack does.

I stood up and walked towards the door, hoping to talk to my family before the rumors spread round, twisting the door handle I tried to pull the door open but he wouldn’t budge, I pulled again and again. This could not be happening, he had locked me in his bedroom. 

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