Chapter 2

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(Hannah's P.O.V.)

Ponyboy and I were talking and laughing. I think this was the real conversion we had together. I've known Ponyboy since I was little.

"Hey Hannah remember that time when Dally, you, and me went to the movie and we got kicked out because Dally was smoking in the theater?" Ponyboy asked

"Yea, that was funny. He got really mad when we got home. What did he say?" i asked

"He said and I quote ' I'm never go back there again. If he wants to kick me out then he'll speak to my lawer'."

We both laughed because we both know that Dally doesn't even have a lawyer. Ponyboy and I talked for about two hours. I was really calm. Then something ruined the moment.

"Hey kids! What are you doing here?" A police man asked. 

We turned around "RUN!!!!" We both yelled.

Ponyboy grabbed my hand and we ran together. He never let go of me. The whole way we ran back he held my hand. It was like his hand was made for me. When the police stopped chasing us we stopped. We were both out of breath. I looked down at out hands and saw he was still holding mine. Then I looked up at him. He let go of it.

"Sorry." Ponyboy said

"It's fine."

We smiled and walked back to his house. It was a few minutes away. When we were close to his house he held my hand again. I got a tingle. When we arrived Darry opened the door.

"There you are. If you weren't back in about 5 minutes i was gonna come get you." he said "And Ponyboy where's Dally?"

"Still at the movies." Ponyboy said

"Why. I thought you went with him." Darry said

"I did but I left because he was being...." then he looked at me

"A total jerk face." I said finishing his sentence.

Darry laughed. Soda soon came to where we were. He looked down at our hands and smiled. I let go. I didn't want anyone to know that I had a crush on him. When I let go Ponyboy looked at me. But I just continued looking at Soda. We went inside and Soda wanted to talk to me.

"Hey Hannah can I talk to you?" Soda asked

"Um.. sure."

I stood up and went into the room Soda wanted me to go in. Then he closed the door. I was scared.

"What do you need?" I asked

"I want to talk to you about Ponyboy." Soda said putting his hands on my shoulders.

"What about him?"

"I know you like him. And I know that he likes you."

"I do not like P-Ponyboy." I said

"Hannah you're not the best liar you know."

"I know."

"You just like your brother."

"Hey that's an insult. I'm nothing like Dally."

"Whatever. But I just want to help you get Ponyboy." he said

"Ok. So what's your plan." I said sitting on his bed

"Shoot I forgot it." he said walking back and forth.

"Think then."

"I'm thinking I'm thinking."

Sometimes Soda wasn't the brightest. Most girls like smart guys. And Soda wasn't smart. But he had his looks. He walked around until he thought of what he was going to say.

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