Chapter 1

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(Hannah's P.O.V)

My name is Hannah. You might know my older brother Dallas. But people call him Dally. My big brother has always been over protective. He won't let me go out of the house! Which is not fair. He always keeps me by his side at all times. And most of the time when he goes out he'll leave me with Darry, Soda, and Ponyboy. I don't mind because i've had the biggest crush on Ponyboy since forever. But he doesn't notice me.

I'm the youngest in the group. Everyone has a nickname besides me. Dallas is Dally, Johnny is Johnny Cakes, Sodapop is Soda, Darrel is Darry, Steve is Stevey. (For Me) Kieth is Two- Bit, and Ponyboy is Pony. I love his name. I never really hangout with them because I would be the only girl there. But when I get the chance I hangout with them. Lately i've been hanging out with them more. Ponyboy and I are both 14. Well not exactly, i'm 13 but almost 14. Every time he would have a track meet or practice I would be watching him. I know it sounds creepy, but it's not.

"Hannah Winston where are you?" Dally asked

"I'm over here." I said

"Come on. I'm dropping you off at Darry's." he said grabbing my arm


"I'm going to a drive in movie with Johnny and Ponyboy."

"Can I come?"

"No your not old enough for a drive in movie."

I yanked my arm from him "But Ponyboy is almost the same age as me. So why does he get to go?"

"Cause he can." He said grabbing my arm.

We started walking. Like always Dally lit up a cancer stick. Just cause i'm a girl doesn't mean they can leave me out of stuff. Dally was still holding my arm making sure I won't runaway. Sometimes he treats me like a little kid. When we got to Ponyboys house, Dally opened the gate and knocked on the door. I looked at the floor until someone opened the door. When someone did open the door it was Pony.

"Hey Dally. Hey Hannah." Ponyboy said

"Who's at the door?" I could hear Soda say in the background

"It's Dally and Hannah." he yelled

Soda and Darry both came behind Pony. "Hey guys come on in." Darry said

I walked in and went to the couch. I sat in the far corner while everyone else talked. Ponyboy sat by me. In my mind I was freaking out. But on the outside I tried to stay calm. Which probably didn't work.

"Dally you know that the door is never locked right?" Darry asked putting his feet on the table.

"Yea I know." Dally said

"So why'd you come by?" Soda asked sitting down next to Darry

"I'm dropping Hannah. And i'm taking Johnny and Ponyboy to the drive in movie."

"You always take them." Soda says. Right Soda you're telling me

"So what ya'll want to come with me?" Dally pestered

"Nah were good." Soda said

"Okay well be going." Dally said standing up.

"Bye Dally." I said

"Bye. I love you. I'll be back by midnight I promise." he said kissing my forehead. He looked at me in the eyes and smiled and I smiled back. 

I grabbed a book that was on the table and started reading. All the sudden I heard Soda and Darry whispering to each other. I just ignored them. 

Darry and Soda would let me go anywhere I wanted but I had to be back before Dally was. If you got him mad he could do terrible things to you, because he doesn't like people.

"I'm going by the railroad tracks." I said closing my book and standing up.

"You have about six hours. You know Dally he'll always go somewhere else after the movies." Darry said

"Bye guys." I said

"Bye." Darry said

"Be careful." Soda said. He stood up and hugged me.

I walked towards the railroad tracks. When I was walking a bunch of Socs kept calling me a greaser, and throwing stuff at me. I didn't mind. When I got the railroad tracks I sat down on the track that was broken. I was in the middle of reading my book when I heard footsteps approach. I looked up and saw Ponyboy standing in front of me.

"Hey Pony back so soon?" I asked closing the book and sitting up

"Yeah Dally was being a total jerk." Ponyboy said sitting next to me.

"You know my brother."

"I just can't believe you're his kid sister, you're  nothing like him. You're so sweet and kind and he's...."

"A total jerk face?" I suggested

"Yeah. You know I feel like your the only one that gets me."

"Yea me too." I said looking into his eyes.

I loved Pony's eyes. They were green. When you looked at them for a long time you got lost in them. They were so magical. I loved the way my blues eyes looked into his green eyes. His eyes made me melt. I never knew eyes could do that, but Pony's did.

(Soda's P.O.V)

I could so tell that Hannah was freaking out when Ponyboy sat by her. She's like an open book. I wonder when their wedding is going to be? When Hannah said she was going to the railroad tracks I thought I would tell Darry about Pony and Hannah.

"Hey Darry I need to talk to you about Hannah and Pony." I said sitting on the counter

"Why?" he asked washing the dishes

"Because Hannah loves Ponyboy." I said

"She does?" Darry turned to me with a confused look on his face

"Yeah. Can you not tell?"

"Not at all." he said drying the dishes

"We should help her."

"We should but we don't even know if Ponyboy likes her." he put the dishes where they belong

"Trust me he does." I said leaving the room

Dallas Winston Little Sister // Ponyboy & JohnnyHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin