Part Two; It Only Takes A Minute

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I sank into the sofa and carried on daydreaming until I came to my senses as the phone started ringing. 'Hello?' I asked, a little breathlessly after having stood up so quickly. 'Hey Han, its okay?'. 'Yeah, Im fine. What about you?' I answered as I wandered into the kitchen and put my now empty mug into the sink. Kelly. She was my best friend, and had been for years. We met at secondary school, and have stayed friends when everyone else left. She's been with me through the whole youtube experience, meeting Dan and everything that's happened inbetween. We chatted for a while, and arranged to meet up for coffee the next day. 'Okay, I'll see you later then' she giggled. 'What are you laughing at?' I smiled. 'Oh, its just something Chris said. See you tomorrow!' she said as she hung up. That was weird - but then again, Chris is always saying stupid things. Chris was another youtuber, and I met him around the time I met Dan. He and Dan are really good friends, and when I introduced him to Kelly they just hit it off.

I got dressed in doss clothes, and decided to have a DVD day. Whilst sitting on the sofa with a face mask on, painting my nails, eating popcorn and watching 'Titanic' the doorbell rang. 'Crap!' I muttered, and looked through the peep-hole. It was only Mum, so I opened the door a little and beckoned her in. 'Wow' she said, glancing at my bright purple face and grinning. She stayed for 3 hours, and we chatted. 'So, what are you wearing for your special dinner tonight?' she asked as she got up to leave. I had told her all about Dan's 'secret' plan. 'Come and see' I grinned leading her into mine and Dan's room. Hanging on the wardrobe door, flapping in the small summer breeze coming in through the open balcony door was my beautiful dress. It was a long, light green maxi dress with the bottom lined with a peacock print. Beneath the dress sit a pair of wedged shoes, bright blue to contrast with the blue in the dress. 'It's lovley Han, your going to look amazing!' she smiled. 'Thank you! I better start getting's 4'o'clock!' I said, ushering her from the room to the door. 'Well, have a lovely time!' she said, turning back to hug me. 'Thanks mum, love you.' I say as she makes her way down the hall. 'Love you too' she grins, getting into the lift. I close the door and turn back into the sitting room. ‘Right, lets do this’ I thought to myself. 

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