Chapter 1- Ruthless Surprise

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Words: 1856

Waking up in the morning had never been Naveya's cup of tea. Let alone anyone she knew for that matter. But, there was something about listening to the early birds and feeling summer's cool breeze that she just couldn't resist.

She had sneaked out of her bedroom window to sit on her small home's roof, scanning nature's morning routine with birds looking for their meal and dew drops warming up from the waking sun. The breeze kissed her cheeks and skin, the sunlight laid down on her, darkening her tone.

Her hair seemed to be pulled back by the greedy hands of the wind, exposing her already rosy cheeks with freckle kisses. Her eyes could see the smallest objects from the furthest peak.

Perks of a werewolf's senses. 

Unfortunately, her smelling was just as good as her sight. 

And according to her senses, her brother just left the bathroom.

That means its time to come down from her daydreaming to the real world and get ready for school. 

Getting down from the roof, she ascended into her room, a tiny space for such an imaginative girl. The walls were painted with exotic blues and white, creating shapes of triangles. Her bed was small, but the right size for her petite figure. Pictures of her family, though scarce, were full of memories permanently imprinted in her mind.

She tiptoed across her soft white carpet, hoping to be unheard of by her parents, and picking out the perfect outfit for the special day. 

Her birthday.

Naveya was turning eighteen this year, which meant she could soon meet her mate and attend the Alpha's ball, regardless of her families rank. Mates were something valuable and meant for every wolf. It was another wolf made to fit the puzzle of your own self. A mate would be bonded to your soul for the rest of their lives, enhancing their senses, making them stronger, and giving them an opportunity to conceive. 

Naveya had been dreaming of this day ever since her mother explained it to her on her tenth birthday. 

"My love, you one day are going to meet the man that will cherish your being and protect you with his life," she recalled. It was something every wolf looked forward to. 

After dressing in a dark pair of jeans, a black v-neck shirt with a gray cardigan she bought from a local shop on her families trip to Tennessee, she ran downstairs to the sweet smell of pancakes just waiting to be eaten. 'This morning is already turning out great!' she thought to herself.

She plopped down on a stool by the counter in the middle of the kitchen where a buffet of eggs, bacon, pancakes, and biscuits waited. "Good morning, dear," her mother said.

Naveya loved her mother. She is a sweet, loving and compassionate women whose intentions are only good. Her lips were still pink as her cheeks rosy. Her hair cascaded down in perfect waves and her features still sharp.

Werewolves age much slower than humans. Normally, their body slows down in aging around the age eighteen which would be today for Naveya. Elder wolves usually are around two-hundred years of age.

"Good morning, Mom."

"Are you excited to be done with school?" Luckily, this was the last day of high school for Naveya before she applied for a job within the pack. She couldn't hold her smile, "yes! I can't wait to just throw my books in the fire and just be done with it all." 

Most wolves would apply for jobs within the pack to ensure a continuous run of the economy and cash flow which most of goes to the businesses within the community and the Alpha of the pack. It's normal for female wolves to just work at home raising their pups while the fathers worked as a pack guardian or within a business in the community. The higher your rank, the better job you can get and the better chances you have of getting that job, as most brings honor to your family. 

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