The Land of the Dead

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Everything about the land before they held both soon-to-be-teens in awe, the bright colors and festive lights, so lively and different from the land of the living. Though there were some skeletons who looked at them weird as they continue walking. Once they reach the gate entrance, Elly can't help looking around. Upon noticing Frida Kahlo walk up, she tugged at Miguel's sleeve and soon they're both gaping in awe. As it turns out, it's not Frida but a male skeleton instead. Elly's cheeks turn warm, finding his grin kind of handsome. As he's haled off, Elly can't help feeling sorry for him, knowing well enough how it felt to be apart from society.

The trip into the Land of the Dead's mostly uneventful, until finally they reach Mama Imelda who has the same look to her eyes the other family members do when Miguel introduces Elly. Upon realizing he needs Ernesto's blessing, Miguel grabbed Elly's hand and they ran off into the streets, looking for the mischievous skeleton.


An interesting meeting and some face paint later, Elly's walking around with the two males, feeling slightly alone when Amy suddenly ran off. With a faint squeak of surprise, she took off after the undead feline without a second thought.

The cat races across the cobblestone and Elly follows, ignoring the glares cast her way when she doesn't say excuse me. Finally she stops in an alley where Elly jumps and grabs her by the tail. As she stands back up, she realizes they're completely lost. Time slowly passes as she walks through the alleys in a vain attempt to find her way out, when none reveals itself, she curls up against the wall and begins to cry.

"Señorita, why are you crying?" Amy leaps from her fingers as Elly looks up, her jaw drops. Standing several feet away, is none other then Ernesto de la Cruz!

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