His Family

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After running through the streets a little, Coco and Elly finally came to a stop a little outside of town. She held up a hand before pulling a silver flute from her pocket. "What's that for?" She does a little hop before pulling something else from the bag. Miguel jumped, it was a bag of bones. She shakes her open palm, asking him not to be afraid, before dumping them out on the ground. She pauses before raising the flute to her lips and beginning to play.

At first, nothing happened then the bones started to move. Then they began to tremble before suddenly pulling together to form a skeleton, it took Miguel a moment to realize two things; one, the skeleton was that of a Siamese cat, the other that it was dancing. He smiled at the sight, sitting across from Elly as she continued to play.

When she finally finished, Miguel clapped and the creature jumped into Elly's lap where she started to stroke it's back with a gentle smile.

"That was amazing, is she your cat?" She looked up with a nod. "What's her name?" She lightly tapped the golden circle hanging on a purple ribbon around her neck, the word 'Amy' reflected in his eyes. "I have a pet too." He raised his head. "Dante? Are you here?" Seconds later, a brown hairless dog came romping over, causing Elly to jump to her feet with a silent scream.

"It's okay, he's very friendly." Elly hesitated before reaching for the canine, almost instantly he licked her open palm. She smiled, wrapping her arms around his neck and scratching him between the ears. An idea came to Miguel.

"Hey, what to come have dinner with my familia? Mi abuela makes more then enough food." She snatches out her notepad, pen darts, holds it out. Are you sure they won't mind? "Positive. I'll make sure to bring you back home before ten." Elly bit her lip for a moment before nodding. "Great!" He grabbed her hand and they raced off into the fading twilight, animal companions by their side.


Eventually, they reached a sweet looking little house with a quaint, rustic look to it. Elly froze a few feet away, no only to gather Amy up and hide her in her bag, but to look up with nervous eyes. "Are you nervous?" A slow shaky nod. "Don't worry, you'll be fine." She grabbed his hand and squeezed it tight, standing as close as she could as they approached the door. As she brushed up against him, he suddenly noticed she smelt of flower blossoms and warm beaches.

"Mama, I'm home! And I've brought a friend!" A young woman looked up, eyes darting to the female by his side. She stood up with a warm smile, brushing her palms on her apron.

"Welcome Mija, I am Miguel's mama. Who might you be?" Elly's eyes lowered themselves to the floor, suddenly aware of how distant she was in this new place. Miguel squeezed her hand with a gentle smile, looking to his mother.

"Her name's Elly, she's visiting from America. She's a mute." Elly looked up with a sheepish nod. The other woman knelt down with a kind smile.

"Don't worry Elly, any friend of Miguel's is a friend here." Elly eyes lit up and she made a message. Thank you ma'am. Thank you very much.

At dinner, Elly was welcomed with open arms. A surprising appetite, she eagerly but politely ate what was given to her and Miguel's grandma took an immediate liking to her. Once they were finished eating, Miguel took her to meet Coco.

"Great grandma Coco, this is my new friend Elly." Miguel said, gesturing to girl. Elly nodded politely. Coco's eyes opened slightly, head turning ever so slowly to see her.

"Hola niña." Her voice so soft and weak drifted out as she raised a shaking hand with the smallest smile. Something new flashed in Elly's eyes, bright and lovely, something Miguel didn't fail to notice.


Later, they sat just outside town, feet dangling over the dock when he remembered the look in her eyes, that gleam.

"So what did you think of my family?" She hesitated before writing a quick note. Before I reply, I'm going to try using sign language to communicate. "Alright. Go for it." She hesitated before slowly beginning to move her hands.

"I...think...they're very...nice?" A gleeful nod. "Tell...me...a bit...about yourself?" Another nod, he smiled. "I'll show you." He held out a hand and she took it with a gentle smile.

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