Layla: "I'm not much of a jewellery wearer," she said, looking at her bare hands and tucking her hair behind her ear so I could see she wasn't wearing earrings or a necklace.

Takanori: "I see." I nodded.

Layla: "Why do you ask?" She looked at me, confused.

Takanori: "No reason, anyways, you should get dressed." I jumped up from the couch.

Layla: "Why?" she asked, looking down at what she was wearing.

Takanori: "Because, my little soul train lover. We are going out tonight." I smiled.

Layla: "We?" she raised her eyebrow.

Takanori: "Yes, WE, as in you and I. A friend of mine is having a party tonight at a nearby club. I wasn't sure if I wanted to go, but since I've seen your glorious dance moves, I know now that we have to go. I can't let all your stay-at-home mom moves go to waste." I said, referring to the eye full of dance moves I caught earlier.

Layla: "Are you ever going to let that go?" she asked.

Takanori: "Probably not." I chuckled.

Layla: "I can dance, ya know." she stood up.

Takanori: "Of course you can, my little Cha Cha queen." I took her hand. "Let's go, you're wasting time," I said before turning her towards the bathroom, then I gently gave her a push.

Layla: "Enough with the silly nicknames." she said as she walked to the bathroom.

Takanori: "Whatever you say, my little dance, dance revolution baby." I said loud enough for her to here me.

She shook her head, then closed the bathroom door.

Layla POV

Layla: "I look ridiculous," I said, looking at myself in a slightly fogged mirror.

I stood in front of the mirror, assessing my appearance. I wore a slightly oversized peach dress shirt and some blue-fitted jeans. My face was bare, and my hair was still damp from my shower.

Layla: "Where am I going looking like this?" I said, pulling at my blouse.

I hadn't packed any 'going-out-on-the-town' clothes. I only brought work attire and 'chilling-in-the-hotel' attire, nothing in between. Now I'm stuck looking like a librarian going to a family barbeque.

Layla: "This is not going to work for me." I said before looking through the draws for a pair of scissors. After I couldn't find any, I went out to the living room to search for one.

Takanori was tying his shoes when I entered.

Takanori: "Ready?" he said, looking up at me.

Layla: "Do I look ready?" I asked sarcastically.

Takanori: "Kinda."

Layla: "Really?" I said, looking down at what I was wearing. "Be honest, how do I look?" I asked, wondering if he really meant what he said.

Takanori: "Nice." he answered.

Layla: "You're lying. I look like I'm late for a casual business meeting," I said, looking for scissors.

Takanori: "What, no...," he said stretching his last word. "Okay, yes, a little, but you still look nice," he said, justifying what he said. "By the way, what are you looking for?" he asked.

Layla: "Scissors," I answered.

Takanori: "Oh, scissors are right here," he said, taking a pair of scissors out of a nearby drawer.

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