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(Every chapter will be told be the Narrator)

Narrator Pov

The members are happy. Why are they happy because they got to do an fan signing and many army's have given them presents, plushies, head bands, etc. They even got fan letters from them but it was to much so the rest was send in boxes.

As soon they got in the dorm they started to unpack the letters along with other foods or plushies inside. Taehyung and Hoseok were the messes out of all of them pieces of the box are everywhere, Yoongi opened up his box while making alot of noise from the tape, Namjoon ripped the top of the box without seeing the tape and caused it to be ripped in half which made Jin laugh making Namjoon blush.

Jimin was already taking the army's presents out of the box carefully placing them on the floor. He smiled when an fan made an heart frame with an picture of him in it. Jimin always love these types of photo frames cause it's adorable and loving. As for Jungkook he was happy yes he was but every time he sees Jimin get an gifted that is better then his or tell everyone what the fan wrote about him it makes him angry. He never get long adorable letters from fans, he only gets letters on how much they love him and how good his dancing is but never like Jimin's......they talk about his facial features to much and not his and it pisses him off to no end!

He feels like Jimin is taking all of his spotlight.....his golden place! Jimin can't do nothing right like he does. Jimin always messes up now and again not him! He loves it when Jimin messes up on stage....or on dance practises it makes him laugh on the inside....it makes him happy. To happy but he wanted to see more of his pain and embarrassment..........but mostly pain.

Jungkook heard Jimin giggle with an letter in his hand. His smile makes Jungkook annoyed. He looked away and try to finish the gifts while trying to block out anything Jimin related.
(Tell me if I made mistakes or errors.........plz...-_-)

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