Bad news

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The next day Mother p.o.v

I woke up early to the phone ringing. I got up and answer it. It was the police station calling.. (y/n) father was getting out of jail today at noon..  they just wanted to let us know.

" you got to be f*ckinh Kidding me that son of s b*tch is getting out "

I'm not one to use bad words but I said a lot today .

I got off the phone and headed to (y/n) room I tired to open the door but it was locked why was it locked? Whatever I knocked

" y-yes?l (y/n) said in a sleepy voice I most have woke her l sweetie we need to talk ..

" mom it's like 5 in ten Morning can't this wait till later "

" no sweetie it's about your father "

She peek open the door " w-what about him .."

" sweetie can I come in please "

She opened the door and we went to sit on her bed " (y/n) the police station called me .. your father is getting out today at noon"

" what.. how can he be .. how can they let him out after what he did to me .. t-that's not right"

" I know (y/n) I know" I put my arms around her " but we won't let him get you again.. remember he has to stay far away from you now "

" b-but what if he come after me .. he could hurt you or (b/n) .. or even my friends "

" he won't.. I won't let him you understand me he won't hurt you to anyone you care about "

She hugged me tight" I'm so tired of him making me so scared all the time. He always takes my happiness away .. every time I feel happy and safe he always shows up to mess it up mom"

" I know I'm sorry sweetie. Maybe you should stay home today just till I make sure he leaves "

" what no I promise Kenny we could go see Karen today I'm not going to stay here because of father is free no way his not going to rule my life anymore "

" but (y/n) "

" no mom no.. I won't live in fear. Anyway I'll be fine with Kenny he will keep me safe he always dose "

Mom smiled " yes he dose seem to do that.. he dose seem like a sweetie boy.. well I guess if his with you that will be fine " i kissed the top of my head " but I want you to take my call phone so you can call for help if you need it "

" what no what about you ?"

" I'll pick up a new one on the way to work and we can switch once I get back tonight "

" oh.. well alright "

" well get some sleep sweetie I love you "

" love you too mom " I left and went back to my bed .. ugh today was going to be awful

Your p.o.v

Mom left my room after giving me awful news Kenny c crawled out from under my bed the sat next to me

Kenny " how could the let your father out father what he did " I rested my head on him

I Can't Help But Love Him KennyxreaderWhere stories live. Discover now