School day .1.

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Note: "the art with here is done by me :) hope you like it "

Kenny P.O.V

School aging.. I felt like skipping but it would be the new girls first day and I kinda want to see how that would go.. Would she be dressed like a boy againg.. Or something more girly ether way she was super cute. Boy girl whatever.. Cute is cute .... I walked up to the school bus the guys were already there.. Stan and fatass were fighting over something .. Kyle waved at me " hey Kenny! " I waved back Then walked over

" the new girl hasn't shown up yet " Kyle said

Stan stopped fight with fatass Cartman and walked over " yeah we're all wanting to see what she'll be dressed like for school.. "

Huh I was not the I only one

" yeah once her brother took her hat off she was really cute " Kyle said what I was thinking

" ah she probably like girls you know why else would she dress like a guy " Cartman said with his annoy voice .. Just then the new girl walked over .. We all turned the. See her .. Today she was wearing jeans and a pick jacket.. She had on a cream colored beanie on .. her long hair what laying in her back ( sorry if you have short hair it needs to be long for the story )  it was (h/c) .. very pretty ...

(Y/n) "hey guys "

Kyle" hey (y/n)

Stan" hey "

Kenny: " mmmhp mmhp" hey (y/n)

cartman " so  you like girls or what " .. he never knew when to keep his mouth shut

(Y/n) " what?.. "

Kyle" its best to ignore Cartman he never knows what to keep his mouth shut"

That's what I was thinking ..

Cartman" no one asked you Jew "

(Y/n) " oh.. thanks Kyle .. " she smiles .. she has a nice smile..

Cartman" oh come one you all want to know just as much as I do "

(Y/n) Rolled her eyes .. " well I've never really thought about it.. I like people who are nice .. "

Stan" so not Cartman "

(Y/n) " yep " everyone but Cartman laughed

Then the bus showed up we all got on i went to the back and sat down .. Stan and Kyle sat together Cartman sat by him self  (y/n) looked for a place to sit .. she looked kinda nervous.. I waved  to her she smiles back as walked over and sat next to me

"Mmmhp " ( hey)

" hey.. you don't mind if I sit with you right? "  she asked to make sure

" of course.. "

" thanks Kenny "

" you nervous about your first day? I asked

" yeah a little bit"

" well you shouldn't be . You already made friends right "

" I have? "

" yeah of course Stan. Kyle and myself .. and Cartman if you want but his an ass I wouldn't waste my time on him "

" oh " she looked down at her hands " okay thanks Kenny.. " I saw her smiles and blushes.. cute

The bus soon stopped and we were at school .. we all got off Kyle helped (y/n) find the office. So she could find out her classes  and stuff .. Stan . cartman and myself sat outside  we talked for little .. Cartman kept going on how (y/n) had to only like girls or something..  I just wanted to punch him.. because he was annoying that point going to class was better then staying there .. so I left ..

I Can't Help But Love Him KennyxreaderDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora