But I guess the main problem now is...I don't know who changed my clothes.

Leaving the bathroom, I slowly make my way back to the bed in the darkness of the room, with the curtains pulled tightly over the windows I can't exactly tell whether or not it's morning. The lump on the other side of the bed indicates that at some point in the night, Alexander came back to the hotel.

I guess I'll have to call Eugene when Alexander is not in the room.

Crawling under the covers, I lay on my side facing the window, my body tenses when I feel a heavy arm snake over my body, easily pulling my chilled back against a warm hard chest. His face nuzzles into the back of my head, inhaling deeply.

"Alexander?" I whisper questioningly into the darkness, turning around a little in his hold.

The deep rumble of the chest against my back tells me that he heard me. Knowing that he can't feel the scars on my back through the material of my nightshirt, I lean tentatively into his front, revelling a little in his warmth.

"GOOD MORNING!" someone suddenly screams at the foot of the bed, making both Alexander and I sit up on the bed in shock, the dark figure that gave us the rude wake-up call moves quickly towards the curtains, dragging them apart. "Holy shit!"

Wincing in the sudden light of the room, I turn my face away from the streaming mellow light of Taiwan and I end up face to face with Alexander's bare chest. My cheeks heat up instantly as my lips brush softly against his bare skin and my breaths leave my body in short spurts, blowing his chest hair softly.

Too close!

"Theodore," Alexander growls lowly, getting out of the bed. "You had better have a good reason to be in our room this early in the morning."

"Well, you did say you wanted to eat breakfast before going to the shipyard," Theo explains shrugging his shoulders, smiling gleefully. "Now's the best time to check out the hotel's buffet downstairs."

Alexander sighs heavily as he pulls a T-shirt over his head, nodding tiredly as my brother skips happily out of the room, probably off to tell the rest of my brothers about what he saw when he drew back the curtains. Grumbling something about remembering that he locked the conjoining room door with the deadlock, Alexander runs his hand through his trussed-up hair irritated at being jolted from sleep.

"Come on," He says, passing me a pair of shorts, a long-sleeved shirt and a bra. "I don't think they'll let us sleep in anymore."

Frowning at the thought of not being able to sleep in some more, I take the clothes and slowly make my way to the bathroom but Alexander catches my arm just as I am about to slip through the door.

"Are you alright?" He asks gently, his grey eyes searching mine.

"I'm fine," I quip, shrugging off his hold. "Uh...I...Uh...I'll meet you downstairs..."

For a while he just stands there, holding my gaze seemingly not accepting my answer but thankfully he doesn't press it as he nods shortly, making his way towards the door. I wait until he disappears before I dash for the flip phone. Quickly calling Eugene from the newly added number in the contacts list, I wait with bated breath for him to pick up.

"Did you change my clothes last night?" I ask the receiver the second the call connects, not considering whether he was still sleeping or at work.

"Well, good morning to you too," He grumbles moodily, his voice rough and irritated. "Yes, you passed out before you could change. I placed your clothes into the closet, don't worry, your clutch is in there as well."

"Oh god," I breathe relieved, sitting on the edge of the bed. "Do you have any nausea? I woke up vomiting."

"Nope, could be the drinking, you never did stomach alcohol well," Eugene comments as voices in his background speak to him softly. "If that's all I'm getting back to work."

"Yeah," I murmur, holding my head. "Thanks."

So, Alexander wasn't the one who changed my clothes...Thank goodness. Standing from the bed, I quickly undo the buttons of the nightshirt which slips smoothly off of my shoulders, clipping the hooks of my bra behind my back, I struggle as usual for a while to hook it.

I hate this contraption...I can't believe Eugene removed mine last night...Ah...I have no idea how I should feel about that...Should I be angry or grateful? 

My heart and mind cease to work when a pair of warm, slightly familiar long-fingered hands take the hooks out of my hands, easily doing what I struggled to. Hesitantly, I turn around to look at my aide and immediately my heart begins to pulsate.

"Did it hurt?" Alexander asks tightly, his grey eyes staring into mine.

Oh, crab. I didn't lock the room door.

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