Attracting Elements

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A/n: Xanxus is OOC but I really can't help it. Sorry.


Xanxus stared at the mini pacifier on his hand. It has been a month and yet he still couldn't remember how and why he got this pacifier. He tried to throw it away. The pacifier magically appeared on his bedside within the next minute. He tried to smash it. The pacifier amplified the impact and reflected it back to him.

He tried to burn it into ashes using his flame. The pacifier absorbed his flame and rendered him weaken and he was confined in his bed for days.

The information that he had gathered so far wasn't useful either. He might be stronger and smarter than an average mafia boy but there was only so much one can do as a 12 years old boy with a year of mafia life.

'People with pacifier? Ohh, you mean the arconaleno? They are the strongest in the world.'

Bullsh**. I can't be the strongest if the old man's guardians still wipe the floor with me during trainings.

'I heard that those who own the pacifier are cursed for life'

I don't think I pissed off enough people to get me cursed.

'Never saw one before but I heard that arcobaleno can't grow up.'

This is the sh**iest thing I ever heard. There's no way I gonna believe that.

But that doesn't stop himself from being paranoid and measuring his height every day.

Xanxus never bothered to ask his father or his father's guardians about it. He didn't know why but he felt that something bad would happen if people know he has the orange pacifier with him. At least for the time being.


It has been a year since he received the pacifier. And throughout that year, Xanxus has improved a lot both in his combat skill and power. He gained respect and reputation all by himself.

And more importantly, everyone liked the change in Xanxus' behavior. He has somehow become less violent (although still intimidating) provided that they didn't disturb his eating time and sleep time. So, when Xanxus began to drink alcohol despite being an underage, no one dare to take the risk to stop him in case he reverted back to his hot-tempered self.


14 years old Squalo was forced to attend the mafia party because he was the new leader for Varia since he defeated Tyr. He thought that the party would be as bored as the previous one.

Until he stumbled upon Xanxus. There was just something about that teenager that caught his attention. Perhaps it was because of his charisma or perhaps it was just because both of them are roughly the same age and the only teenagers in the useless party. (Partly because he was actually subconsciously attracted to Xanxus' sky flame)

Nevertheless, both of them hit it off right away. When they unconsciously harmonized with each other, Xanxus felt warmth in his heart. It was the same warmth that was emitted by the pacifier from time to time which has become the sole reason why he kept the pacifier close to him.

Squalo ended up appointing Xanxus as the new head of Varia. He was more of a fieldwork person compared to paperwork person. Although his plan backfired because Xanxus dumped all the paperworks to him.

"I'm younger than you, so, you do the paperworks, sharky trash."


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