Chapter 9

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"Max! MAX!" I could hear Rachel screaming my name, but it felt like she was miles away. I tried to lift my heavy head off of the ground, but everything hurt as I did so. "Give me your hands, I'll pull you up." She grabbed my hands and I tried to move my body as much as I could so it was easier for her to pull me up. "I'm sorry, did that hurt?"

"A little, but that's fine. I'm okay."

"Good, let's go get Chloe, okay?"

"Okay. The hatch is over here." I led her over to the hatch, which seemed to be, surprisingly, unlocked. I pulled out the padlock and lifted up the door. I heard a gunshot from behind. I saw Rachel next to me squinting in pain, holding her side. I looked behind to see Jefferson standing right behind me pointing the gun at my head. I held out my hand and saw time flash backwards before me. I dropped my hand and Rachel was at the door. I went back a little too far.

"Max how did you get over there already?" Rachel ran up to my side. "Please don't tell me you rewound time!"

"I had to. Jefferson showed up and shot you. We have to go before he shows up again."

"Whatever. Just open the hatch." We used all of the strength we had to get it lifted off the ground. Once it was open we headed down the stairs. I put in the PIN code and the Rachel opened the door and we ran inside looking for Chloe and my camera bag. As Rachel looked for my bag, I ran up to Chloe, who was strapped into the same chair I once was. I undid the straps and her body fell onto mine. As I tried to help her up, she moaned in pain, clutching her leg.

"What did he do to you?" I touched her soft face as she turned onto her back, now lying on my lap.

"He shot me. I wasn't cooperating, so he shot my leg." Chloe sighed.

"Max, here's the picture. We can fix this." Rachel handed me the photo and I began to focus.

"Max, wait." Chloe grabbed my face and gave me a kiss. "I'll see you again soon, Spider Max."

"I know. I love you so much, Chloe." I focused more on the image until I heard a loud bang and a scream from behind me. Jefferson was here already.

"Max, hurry! Do it!" Rachel yelled, choking on her own blood.

He walked closer pointing his gun at my head. "I should've known you were up to no good, Max Caulfield."

"Do it." I yelled, trying to intimidate him, "Pull the fucking trigger! I dare you!" He stood there long enough, I pulled the gun out of his hands and pointed it at him. "Get out!" I screamed, "GET OUT!" I kept screaming and screaming until he began to back away. When he wouldn't leave I pointed the gun at my own head.

"Max," He whispered "calm down. Give me the gun. It will all be over soon."

I pointed it back at him and pulled the trigger. He collapsed. I looked back at the picture and began to focus again.


I was back in class. I sat quietly waiting for class to end. I answered Jefferson's dumb ass questions and continued focusing on what I was about to do. The bell rang. I left the classroom and walked into the bathroom. I hid behind the stall and waited patiently for Nathan and Chloe to walk in.

"You don't know who the fuck I am, or who you're messing around with!" I started mouthing the words as Nathan spoke.

"Where'd you get that? What are you doing? Come on, put that thing down!" Chloe backed against the wall, I watched waiting for the perfect moment to step out.

"Don't EVER tell me what to do! I'm so SICK of people trying to control me!"

"You are going to get in hella more trouble for this than drugs!"

"No one would ever even miss your punk ass, would they?!"

"Get that gun away from me psycho-!"

"Hey!" I screamed. Nathan turned and pulled the trigger. Everything slowed down as I felt the bullet pierce through my gut. I fell to the ground, clutching my stomach.

"No," Nathan dropped his gun, "oh god, no. No!"

Chloe pushed past him and ran to my side, "Max? Is that you? Can you hear me? Max!"

"Chloe, I didn't mean-" Nathan began to sob.

"Get out, Nathan."

"Chloe, I-"

"I said get out!" Chloe yelled once more as Nathan left the bathroom, "And go get help!"

"Chloe-" I muttered through my clenched teeth, "I'm sorry. I didn't want things to end this way."

"Max, shut up, you're going to be fine." She grabbed my hand and held it against her cheek.

"Everything you need to know is in here." I handed her my diary. "I love you so much, Chloe." I closed my eyes.

When I opened them again I was standing next to Chloe. I saw my limp body in her hands.

"Max? Max! Max, please don't leave me! I can't lose you, too!"

David entered the bathroom, running to Chloe's side. He kneeled down next to her and she began to cry in his arms.

My powers gone. It's actually gone.

It wasn't long until a group of paramedics came in and took my body out on a stretcher. As Chloe stayed back crying into David's shoulder, I followed my body into the ambulance.

"Goodbye, Chloe."

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