Chapter 2

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I woke up with a back ache. Chloe's bed wasn't that comfortable when it was covered in so much crap. I left the room to hear Joyce cooking pancakes in the kitchen. The smell of bacon made me want to run down the stairs. I turned back into Chloe's room and grabbed my clothes, which had the scent of cigarette smoke attached to it. I walked to the bathroom and set my clothes on the rug. I tried to use the shower, but the water wasn't working, so I just decided to get dressed. I walked downstairs to eat. "Hi, Joyce."

"'Morning Max. Hungry?"

"Starving." It was weird talking to her after everything that's happened. Today is going to be one huge guilt trip.

"Is Chloe still asleep?"

"As usual."

"You were always the first one to wake up. Go sit down, the pancakes are almost ready." I heard Chloe walk down the stairs.

"Oh, hell, speak of the devil." Joyce whispered

"Making pancakes, mom?"

"I am. Go sit down by Max."

"Will do." She sat across from me and pulled out her phone, "Woke up before me again, huh Max?"

"Maybe you're just too slow for me."

"I see how it is. So, what's the plan for today?" Joyce brought the pancakes and bacon to the table, "You know, after we eat all of this."

"Not quite sure."

"Max should probably get back to Blackwell." Joyce interrupted. "I have to get to the diner, and Chloe, take Max back to school. I'll see you later."

"Nice try, mom..." Chloe said, half to herself. "So... plan?"

"Not sure. I'm still trying to wrap my head around what's going on. I kind of just want to leave. I don't want to risk getting another storm, knowing I can't do anything."

"You don't have to do anything. Why don't we just leave?"

"What about your mom? All of my friends?"

"They can come, too."

"If only."

"Well, why couldn't they?"

"There's clearly not enough room in the back of your truck." I tried to laugh.

"Ha ha." She played along, "I'm serious, though." Her idea made me think. Why couldn't we all just leave? What was stopping us? I guess it would be kind of difficult to "force" everyone to leave, but if there was a storm, I want everyone out of this shit hole of a town.


We stared out my dorm room window. Waiting for something. A sign. A voice. Something. Our hopes were high. As soon as we knew Jefferson was finally arrested, we left Chloe's house, but I guess we didn't know what we were doing.

"You can spend the night if you want." I spoke in her ear, "I'll even let you have the bed."

"Sounds good. How 'bout I just take Rachel's old room?" Rachel's room was just down the hall, but I didn't know how comfortable Chloe would be alone in her dead friends room.

"Will you be okay in there?"

"Yeah, I should be fine. Maybe I'll find something in there." I didn't know what she expected to find, but maybe she could find something. She did know Rachel really well, so I didn't stop her. We continued to look at the sunset through the window. It had been a long day. I still continued my classes, since I couldn't help being a good student.

When I was in class Chloe went down to the police station to identify Rachel's body after David called her this morning. When she came back she was in tears, once more. She said that there wasn't much of her left, which made me want to cry with her. I know seeing a close friend in that condition wouldn't make someone smile, and Chloe and Rachel were close.

"Alright, I'm gonna get outta your shit hole. I'm drained."

"Of course you are." I laughed.

"Do you want me tired tomorrow or what?" She walked towards the door and turned back to look at me. "I'll see you tomorrow. I love you, Max." She smiled.

I whispered, " I love you, too."

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