Chapter 1 (Sacrifice Chloe Ending)

Start from the beginning

"Who's in here?" Dana freaked.

"It's just me." I didn't yell at them like I usually would, but not in a rude way. I didn't want to bother them.

"Max?" Dana replied.

"Yeah..." They didn't say anything else and were careful with the faucet so the shower water didn't get too cold.

When I finished I still saw Dana and Juliet near the sink. What are they doing? I dressed myself and opened the curtain.

"Are, um, you okay Max?" Dana sounded worried, but she didn't have to be. I'm not the one who got shot.


"'Sorta' isn't fine with me Max. Are you sure you're okay?"

"Yeah, Max." Juliet jumped in.

"Um, I will be." I blinked my tears away. I didn't need them to watch me cry.

"Max, you know that we're here for you, right?" Dana was always appreciative when it came to things like this. She always seemed to know what to say.

"I know."

"Are you coming back to school tomorrow?" Juliet asked. Dana elbowed Juliet in the bicep and gave her a stare that simply seemed to say: SHUT THE FUCK UP! She was never subtle, that's for sure.

I responded, "I am."

"Are you ready for that yet? I know it hurts to lose someone you really care about." Dana just had to bring that up didn't she?

"I'll be okay. I'm gonna go back to my dorm. I'll, uh, see you both tomorrow." I hurried away, trying not to seem to eager. As I ran down the hallway I heard Kate shriek. I went towards her dorm and she bolted out of the room.

"Max!" she yelled as she ran closer.

"Kate, what's wrong? What's going on?"

"What the hell is all that noise!?" Victoria came out of her room. And just as I thought things were going to get better the whole dorm started to glow red. What is going on now? Why does this keep happening to me? To everyone?

"That's what happened to my room! What's going on?" Kate seemed terrified, she wouldn't move from where she stood. The red glow looked familiar. It was the same glow that I saw when I went back in time through pictures, though this time it was spreading. I ran to the nearest window and everything outside disappeared as the red glow took over. What is going on? This wasn't because of me. It couldn't have been, I haven't gone back in time since Chloe asked me too...

Before I knew it the whole room turned red. Then white. The voices stopped and I couldn't think straight. The light started to fade away and I couldn't cope with what was happening. The first voice I heard was one I hoped to never hear again. Mr. Jefferson's.

"Alfred Hitchcock famously called film 'little pieces of time' but he could be talking about photography, as he likely was." This again? How did I end up back here AGAIN? What the hell is going on? Kate was once again being harassed. I can't stand to go through this again. Chloe. How am I supposed to live through this week again knowing I can't save Chloe? I hate listening to Mr. Jefferson's voice right now, because all I can hear now is what he said to me while I was trapped in his bunker, and that has traumatized me so much I don't even want to look at that man. What confused me is that it looked like I was able to leave the room. But then again, it wasn't me who traveled back in time.

"Now, Max," Mr. Jefferson startled me and I jumped, "since you've captured our interest and clearly want to join the conversation, can you please tell us the name of the process that gave birth to the first self-portraits?" I didn't bother to say anything, or even pack up my things. I ran out of there as fast as possible. "Miss Caulfield?!" That was the last thing I heard him say after I left, which was perfectly was fine with me. I didn't really know where I was trying to go, all I know is I wanted to get away from here. I left the building and darted towards the parking lot. I stopped. Chloe's truck was there. I heard the school bell go off and I knew there was nothing I could do now, because she would've already made it to the building by now. At least that's how it happened before, but this time seemed different. The driver's door on her car was open. When I moved closer I found her on the ground. I got worried, and made the stupid decision to make sure she was okay. She was going to die anyway so why did I bother? Did this happen before she went up to Blackwell to meet up with Nathan? What happened?

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