Chapter 1

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Ambrose's POV

I woke up chained to the ground, and I looked around saw that there were bows in my direction, and I guessed that they were surrounding me. I couldn't escape and dodge all of these arrows at once, so all I could do was sit there and wait for something to happen. Then I saw one of them turn, and say something to someone that I couldn't see. Then the woman came to my face and started talking in a language that I couldn't understand. I looked at her blankly because I couldn't understand her, and she said the same thing and after I looked at her again. So she gave up and motioned to something, and then I felt a sharp pain in my side. I struggled against my chains in anger and pain, and I noticed that there were others. I could smell almost a hundred people here, and they all smelled the like a culture that I didn't know yet. Then I smelled one that wasn't like them, and she was not mortal either. I looked in her direction ignoring the pain and wetness in my side. 

Come over here immortal I directed to her, and to my surprise I heard some one walk over. I saw the woman look over to her, and a new voice said something and the woman stepped back to reveal the immortal behind her. The immortal started to talk in the same language, and here I thought that this one would be different I said to myself. I felt another sharp pain in my other side, and I knew that I had been shot again. I strained against the chains and growled loudly, and then the immortal walked away and the woman stepped in her place again. She started to talk, and then after I didn't answer another arrow went into my side. 

Why do you cause me this pain I said I haven't done anything to you beside  knock you on your butts, and run. I said pleadingly and annoyed, and then I looked at the woman to see that she was shocked. Then she changed form, and I was looking at the same woman except she was in a different form. 

"Why do you speak roman" she said in my language

Finally someone that isn't speaking gibberish I said, and another arrow went into my side why must the sharp things cause me pain I asked her. 

"You aren't answering my questions, so I cause you pain for not cooperating with me" she said

What do you want to know I asked her. 

"Who are you and where did you come from" she asked me 

I am Ambrose son of Lupa I said and I saw that she was shocked 

"No not possible" she said "Lupa died a week ago, and there was no record of her having a child"

She only kept me hidden because if the world knew that she had a child then they would've searched and killed me too I said to her, and then I sent her my last memory of my mother, and then I sent her the feeling in my body and soul when she was killed. Then I looked at her and saw that she believed me because she had a hurt face on and then. 

Do you understand now I asked I had to walk all the way here because she thought that it would be a safe place for me, but I don't know who my father is and I don't understand why everyone has been trying to kill me. 

"I'm sorry that you had to go through that, but if your mother's Lupa then can you change forms" she asked "it would make it easier to train and direct you" 

No I cannot change forms like my mother, but I've found out that I can breathe underwater,  but I don't know if I can do anything else though I said to her please stop shooting me

"I will" she said and did a hand signal to the hunters, and I heard a couple of clatters. Then I heard them step away from me, but I was still tied up and I didn't like it one bit. I strained against my chains and one by one they all broke and I was allowed to stand to my full height and looked around. 

Ambrose: Son of Luna and Poseidonحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن