When noon hit... my mom slowly began to wake up. She looked at me then grabbed my hand giving me a soft smile

"Hey" she greeted with weakness in her voice

"Hey mommy" I scooted closer to her, "how you feeling?"

"Why aren't you at school?" She asked frowning

If this woman...

"I couldn't go knowing the predicament you are in"

"I'm fine baby...I'm going to be fine... go to school"

"Are you feeling better?"

"Jasmine" she said sternly

When do black mommas ever let you slide with shit? Especially missing school. I'm missing school for a good cause but nooooooo she wants me to go. The fuck I have at school that is so important...other than my baby.

"Mom I-"

"Go to school"

"But I get out in like an hour mommy"

She sighed looking at me, "Don't miss anymore days please"

I just looked at her


"Mom you just had babies and surgery and you talking bout you want me to go to school tomorrow"

"I'm going to be fine jasmine"

"I don't care. You my mom I'm not going to school tomorrow."

"Yes you are"

"No I'm not"

"This isn't a reason to miss school. Your education is important"

"And like you aren't!"

"Never did I say I wasn't important jasmine! I just don't want you to fall behind that's all!"

"Well this is MY life and these are MY grades and MY life decisions. If I decide that I don't want to go tomorrow because MY MOTHER just had triplets then it's my legal right to miss a day or two!"

She shook her head, "do what ever you want I really don't care. Nothing I can say to get it through your stubborn behind"

"Wow! Prime example of stubbornness is being shown through you! No wonder where I get it from!"

"Lower your damn voice" she demanded through gritted teeth. I sat back pissed. My plan wasn't to argue with my mom, but she isn't seeing where I'm coming from.

"Look, I know I just had kids. And and it's new to you but I need you to take care of you. Go to school nothing is going to happen to me or the babies"

"How you know Huh? Are you like sum god?"

"No you are misinterpreting what I'm saying-"

"NO you are misinterpreting what I'm saying. I almost lost my MOTHER last night! My damn mom. The woman that gave me life. And the first thing you say to me is that I need to go to school?! My siblings are in the fucking ICU-"

"Stop overreacting-"

"I'm not overreacting! Sometimes I wished I never gave a shit about you cuz you seem like you aren't grateful for the people that are standing by your side every single day. And me as your daughter, that witnessed everything last night, how dare you say I'm overreacting. I'm so over you" I got up and walked out with tears in my eyes.

It's hurts so much knowing I almost lost everyone I loved last night. And for her to say that? It pisses me off.

I received a text and it was from my baby. He asked if he can come visit my mom and I said sure. For the remainder of the time waiting for Michael to show up I sat in the waiting room with no one but myself. I needed time to think.

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