Jimin smriked and got up.

"Aigoo Taehyung... " he touched his mouth wiping the blood away.

"You already lost her... stop acting like a idiot and face the reality."

"I didn't lost her!"

"She hates you" Jimin said making Taehyung speechless.

His words echoed in Taehyung's mind forcing him to belive them.

"Taehyung..." Jiyeon looked at him.

"Leave her... you have me.." she softly held his hand.

He gazed at her.

"Leave me alone.. Jiyeon.." he walked away.

"Will he be ok?" she asked without taking off her eyes from Taehyungs figure which barely appeared. He walked out from the school gate.

"Ofcause he will.." Jimin came closer to her and wrapped his hands around her.

"You did your part well" he whispered to her ear.

She said nothing , just started at the night sky.

"And now you know everything about me and about the gang. So.. I can't let you live.."

Jiyeon smriked.
"I knew it from the beginning"
"Then why did you helped me?"

She turned to Jimin.

"I'm tired of my life. I knew.. that he would never love me. I'm also blind in love.. do what you have to do. I'm not scared "

Jimin sighed.

"Your strong.. I wish if I could give you a chance to live but..." he took out a knife and swang it infront of her face.

".... orders are orders"

( Yu na's pov )

I drank untill I hit the climax. Making me doubt which is real and which is imaginary.

I forgot all the things happened few seconds ago and escaped in a fancy world. A world with no fear, no regret, no pain.

Someone held my hand making me stop before I drink another glass of whisky.

He appeared weird and I couldn't recognize who he is.

"Yu na..." he's voice was unclear.

"Let's go home" he pulled me up and put one of his hands around me and dragged me out of the hall.

"T..Taehyung?" I muttuered.

"No.. it's Jimin.."

Oh it's Jimin..... AH! JIMIN!

"L..et goo!!" I pulled myself away.

"Come on! Your drunk! Let me take you home!" I heard his aggressive voice.

I wiped my eyes. Everything looked faint and misty.

"Hey! Yu na!" another voice.. and I recognized him.. Hoseok!

"Oppa!" I stretched my arms trying to reach him.

And he held my hand tightly.

"Aigoo! Your drunk!" he frowned.

"What?? Noo!" I hit him and laughed.

"Oh... is this your oppa? Ok then.." I heard Jimin's dissapointed voice.

I'm not sure whether it was disappointment or not.

"Let's go home Yu na" Hoseok carried me to the car and pushed me inside.

"I'm... o...k" I mumbled.

"Yeah I can see that.."


"Taehyung!" I ran to him. He smiled.

"Ppalli pabo!" he said loudly. I giggled and speeded up.

But with every step I kept forward he looked further away.

"Wait! Don't go away!" I screamed as tears fell off my eyes.

His smile disappeared and he walked to the dark.

"NO!" I got up.

It's just a dream?

I hid my face in my palms. My head started to hurt and all happened in the Halloween party came to my mind like watching a film.

I got up, grabbed my jacket and ran out from my room. I silently opened the door and ran out from the house.

I came to the road and started running as fast as I can.
I felt dizzy and sick. But I ignored it all.

Why did I kissed Jimin?

Did I hurt Taehyung's feelings?

( Taehyung's pov )

Blood ran down making a blood pool on the floor.

"So you cut your self as a solution !!! YOUR A COMPLETE IDIOT!"

I heard her voice inside my mind.
I leaned my head on the wall and blowed a smoke ring to the air.

She hates me? Ofcause she don't know anything.. anything about me or about Jimin.

I don't know what is he up to. I put my hand inside my trouser pocket to take the phone. A piece of paper fell off from my pocket.

I picked it up. It's a photo and I clenched my jaws as I saw it.

Then someone banged the door scaring the hell out of me!

I dragged myself to the door and opened it.

My eyes widen as I saw her!

She looked like a ghost!

"Taehyung!" she screamed and I startled.

"I'm... sorry" she stretched her hand to hold mine. I pushed her.

"Get lost!" I said harshly.

She tried to stop crying but couldn't.

" It's not my fault! You left me for no reason! You areso cruel! I hate you! You are such an earthworm!"

I watched her without saying anything.

Her body shivered badly.

"I hate you! But .. why can't I stop loving you.." her eyes closed and I held her before she dropped to ground.

I held her up.

"Don't take her in! Give her to me!"

I heard his voice behind me! I felt the anger in me slowly raising up.

I glanced at him.

"Shut the fuck up!" I said.

Jimin came and faced me. He had a gun in his hand.

"Put her down! Or I'll kill you!"
He pointed the gun at me.

"Kill me" I said and walked towards him.

He startled and took a step back.

"You wanted to kill me so badly so do it!"

"I'll kill her!" Jimin smriked.

"I'll kill her for sure. Now what do you say?"

I smirked back.

"No you won't"
"I will!"

"No! Because you love her"


Hey guys!! I'm really sorry for the late update!
This story is getting..... WEIRD!!! but hope you'll enjoyed it. Ok bye!!

Love you all! ❤

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