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This is the Wikipedia for the following story. The function of this chapter is to give description of certain "things" (may be character's back stories or an explanation to certain things) to help you follow the progress of this story. The content of this chapter may change depend on the story progress.

Axionus Primus, is a name given by the great primus of Cybertron himself for the Human woman who came from earth. The transformers often refers her as "The Axion" indicating that Axionus Primus is more like a title of honor than a name. The real name of the human woman is still unknown, even to the Primus.
*Note to readers : you may change the title Axionus with your name.

Starmier or Lady Starmier. Also called the lady of the stars, is the main reflection of all the stars around the galaxies. Some would call her the Goddess of the stars but no one really knows what she is. She give power to space travelers who is considered worthy and acknowledge by the stars. Although it is more often called "The Lux et Veritas", the power have many other names. It can take shape and be used in many ways depend on the capability of the space travelers. Most space travelers would use it as a map to guide them home.

Startier, is the sub reflection of lady starmier. They came in many different shape. Some could came in the shape of a girl, while some others would looks like a fairy. While lady starmier could only guide in space, startier can directly help inside a planet.

Stratos, a title given to space travelers who have accepted "The Lux et Veritas".

The Prime Nafratoer, is a power that lies within cybertron. The history of this power has long lost within the old cybertronian. No one know what kind of power or what kind of shape that the Prime Nafratoer have.

Vion, is a human sized male transformers created by Axion to assist her in any kind of situations. Vion and Axion have a link called "Spark Link" which help them communicate through telepathy and see each other's mind. They could also see through each others eyes. Although they can share many things, Axion is the one who controls whether Vion is allowed to to read her mind or not. Even so, Axion respect Vion's privacy and won't read his mind if he refuse to show it, unless it's necessary.

Avianline is a name code for Autobot eastern base. Iron Hide and Jazz guard one of few camp that hold the front line of the eastern base main building. 

Aerofeather is a name code for Autobot northern base. Arcee and Tailgate guard one of few camp that hold the front line of the northern base main building. 

Ocrillon is a musical planet where all it's inhabitants make a music-like sound. Aliens from Ocillon have a pale blue skin with purplish dots. The planet itself  is dominant in pale light blue with stripes of pale purple. Sound can travel easily in this planet especially when the wind is strong.

Lubriella, Ocrillon's natural satellite. Unlike Ocrillon, it's surface is dominant with shades of red. Like moon, there's no inhabitant on Lubriella until people of Ocrillon decide to settle on it.

Apruilla, an Ocrillon base, built to explore Lubriella and to get better communication with other aliens. Apruilla also have space labs to experiment on new inventions.

TrES-2b. Often called, the dark planet. Home to all things dark and gloom. It is said that demons inhabit this planet. The Planet reflecting less than 1% of any light that hits it. It's very hard to go in that planet because you can't see anything. It is assumed that people who come to TrES-2b died because they couldn't see where they landed their ship.  Once you're inside, all communication will be cutted off. To see reference regarding this planet, see TrES-2b on wikipedia. 

The four elders (commanders of Ocrillon)

Vluox'iw,   commander of western Ocrillon

Vruor'ilz, commander of eastern Ocrillon

Voq'apt, commander of northern Ocrillon

Vrur'ehm, commander of southern Ocrillon

Gishim, is the captain of the black ship that came from planet TrEs-2b. He's bigger than admiral Tarung. Although unlike admiral Tarung, Gishim's fur is black and he have a wolf head. 

The writer also would like to apologize for any incorrect grammar or words that readers can find within this writing due to the reason English is not the writer's native language. Feel free to give critics and suggestion.

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