District Two Academy Training

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      The second floor was the meat of the academy. Most of the advanced courses were up here. Instructors on this level usually had real-world combat experience. They were either Victors of past games', ex, or even in some cases active Peacekeepers. Almost all the weapons here were real with the exceptions of the ones used in sparring. "Stick to weapons stations that you are used to. Now is not the time for experimentation," announced Aloudia one of the instructors. Her reprimand was directed at two trainees who were irresponsibly handling pole axes, but she enunciated her words loudly enough so that she would not need to repeat herself to anyone else. The pair listened reluctantly returning to the usual spear station that they were accustomed to. Here at the academy, trainees who exhibited the most talent were assigned to a small handpicked group called the Vanguard. Vanguard trainees received direct one-on-one and group training with instructors who were victors. After completing the necessary sparring, acrobatics, and swim tournaments to be accepted into the Vanguard, trainees are rewarded with a custom gear set of their choosing for when they come into the academy. These weapons and gear can be utilized on any floor along with a personal locker to store said items and any other things you don't want on your person while training. After years of running through and excelling at drills set before me, I found myself a part of those chosen few. Though I appreciated the perks I by no means socialized with fellow Vanguard members more than necessary. I've mentioned the attitude of my peers and this lot was no different. The group of us had specific names that were given to us. I was nicknamed The Athinian due to my weapons choice. I carry a short sword, Longspear, and shield. Similar to that of the Athenian Hoplites of thousands of years ago. Retrieving my things from my locker, I put my sword and spear straps overhead and around my back tightening them to my comfort level. The familiar weight of the spear at my back, the smell of the gigantic gymnasium, and the sights, and sounds of my surroundings put me in the headspace I needed to be in. Axes and arrows of my peers met and missed their targets. Weapons collided with the training dummies. In the sparring rings, trainees grunted and struggled against one another with rubberized hits colliding against their padded protection gear. The Instructors yelled over the clamor shouting tips and corrections to their students throughout all three of the gymnasium floors. The atmosphere was rich with energy. Slipping my arm through the handles of my shield I lifted it and unsheathed my sword observing the reflections of light that shined brightly against the silver-colored metal before returning it to its sheith. It was a fine sword made out of grandiose iron with a smooth obsidian handle. Something with such fine craftsmanship would very rarely be in the Hunger Games. On the rare occurrence that it was, it was probably a District One elite family or Capitol One sponsor. Years ago when I was younger than even Sphinx I watched a District One tribute win his games with a Long sword made of pure white gold that he received from none other than Sponcers. That year brought me to the realization that there was a second side to the Hunger Games. There's the obvious where you're fighting for your life. Then there is the second: The hearts and minds of the people and the Capitol. Tread carefully tributes...

        Padded mats below my feet depressed as I walked over to an available station. Before me stood a Training dummy. They were made from some sort of memory foam-like substance that would morph back into its original form even when maimed. The technology that made the dummies work the way they did was clearly not of our district. Rumors have spread that in his years as a peacekeeper in District Three, Donovan illegally hired a man and woman who worked in science to construct these advanced dummies. Every relief he would get to return home he'd smuggle the dummies in the train that transported him and his co-workers who were also in on it. All in effort to give District Two's children a better chance at coming home. This was another one of the many reasons I respected Donovan. I took an offensive stance. My legs were bent slightly in wide apart. My shield was front-faced with my spear raised above my head. I took a breath and advanced. Lunging the spear ahead I contacted into my target's neck recoiling backward and swinging the spear in a full diameter meeting the dummy's side torso as it completed. twirling the spear in hand it was returned to my back before I unsheathed my sword for the second time. I swung it left and right in a defensive maneuver before leaning my shield to the side and accelerating forward penetrating the sword into the center of the dummy. Silas one of the instructors spoke to me in passing. " Good work Synthe, but watch your chest. You do well at hitting arteries with fatal blows but you leave your abdomen open. You use a shield for a reason, cover yourself! I nodded taking the advice and repeating my combination ending with a now shield-guarded decapitation of the dummy. "Better?" I asked looking at Silas. "Flawless," he remarked in approval. For the next thirty minutes, I repeated this exercise powering through the weight of my weapons and fatigue. Panting I put my shield down on a nearby rack and looked up. Nothing had changed. My peers around me trained as I did. Wiping a drop of sweat from my brow, My eyes wandered over to where several other Vanguard members were stationed. Helena a close-range expert caught my attention. While most knife users preferred to fight from a distance Helena excelled in close-quarters combat. She moved the through dummies like a knife through butter. What was admirable about her in my opinion more than anything was her humility. Maybe I'm Biased. After all, she was one of the few people in District Two that I called a friend. 

           Thinking about all of this I didn't notice the obvious smile that was forming on my face. She however did. She finished her set returning her knives to her sides and walked over to me popping open a canteen and taking a drink. We exchanged hellos and sat over at a nearby table. " I heard your mom had the baby," I said to her. " Yeah, she did. She had a few complications but I'm relieved to say that they're both okay," she assured. " I'm sure Mrs. Kentwell needs plenty of rest now. My mother slept like a rock for days both times when she had Lenna and Sphinx." I responded. " These days she only is awake to feed the baby, herself, or to bathe.  for the most part." She let out a sigh and moved a piece of hair out of her face. " It's just hard thinking of the world she'll grow up in. I know we have it better here being in Two but still. That's subject to change. The capitol does whatever, whenever it wants." she finished. Helena was the only other person I knew who shared my beliefs. At times she even felt stronger than I did about things. It's part of the reason we have grown so close. "Forced to produce goods for them," she continued " abiding by their rules, risking our lives as peacekeepers in districts that aren't ours while being away from home for months, or even fighting in those godforsaken-. She stopped herself. Knowing her she didn't even want to vocalize the possibility of her newborn sister participating in The Hunger Games. I touched her shoulder. " That isn't going to happen. " I told her keeping eye contact. "You don't know that" she started in a defeated tone. "I see how you get around this time of year. Worrying about your sister and brother. At least I'll be around someone who knows what it's like, " she sighed. " How about this? When she turns eighteen she'll be the manager at that masonry sculpture business that we're going to start. " I said. She cracked a small smile which eventually morphed into a laugh. " You know Synthe I don't know how that would run over with our employees just being skipped over because she's related to one of the owners, but on second thought they don't have much choice in the matter. she said spinning one of her knives on the table in a jokingly threatening manner. to which I returned laughter. " Come on Athenian boy, let's get some duo training in." she said in better spirits. I stood up stretching. Aloudia motioned for us to get back to training Ironicly as we reached a station. For this set, long-range was our focus. She opened up a drawer of throwing knives while I moved a rack of medium-length spears to my side. We focused on the targets which were thin metal plates in the shape of an upper torso and head. Carefully grasping one of the knives by the blade Helena hurled it at a target. It hit the lower right section. Competitively I threw a spear hitting my target a little closer to the bullseye than she did. " At least your little sister will have her Uncle Synthe to show her proper aim. " I teased " Shut up, did you forget who taught your sister to throw knives? " she said shoving me playfully. This time she took a stance slipping two more knives into either hand. In a swift motion, her knife left her hand flying through the air followed by the second. Before I knew it there were six. Three in each hand, knife over finger In a way that made them look like claws. If I'm being honest with myself she looked badass. This was the Helena that I knew. One by one each knife met its target. Upon looking at her targets each knife was either in the center of the neck or abdomen. " I think her big sister will do just fine as her teacher," she said. " I know you will," All hail the Pharohess," I said in return smiling at her. Pharohess was Helenas Vangaurd name. "What's the little one's name anyway?" I asked as I took my time throwing my next spear. "Clove. Clove Kentwell." " My parents and family say that she looks like I did when I was an infant. I don't buy it though, I feel like all babies look the same. You should come by and see her sometime. Maybe a nonfamily member can dispel the rumor. " " I'd like that" I replied." "Dinner at my house at the end of the week? " She asked, " I don't know Helena I might have some cement work I need to complete." I was joking. A small frown escaped her face. " I smiled " I'll be there on Friday at seven if that's okay. She stuck her pinky finger out to which I interlocked mine. " Friday at seven it is. " she repeated.

     Lenna rested her arms on either of our shoulders. Sorry Synthe I'm gonna borrow her for a bit. " No worries you two, Helena keep her out of trouble, please. " Lenna scrunched her face up sticking her tongue along with a prompt middle finger. Helena put her arm around Lenna and joined her in flipping me off and they were on their way. I shook my head at the two and smirked making my way back downstairs wanting to see what Sphinx was working on. He was working his way through a dummy mixing up combos utilizing throwing axes. The two of us continued on that station for about an hour before joining the girls on the third floor which focused on obstacle courses. 

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